GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 10/23/08 Main meetings page Attendees Alan, Dixie, Paul, Gail, Devika, Debbie \ Agenda
- Review of AIs
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
- Status of deliverables
- Doc bugs
- Open mic
- Next meeting
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs
- Paul:* Determine the correct terminology for add-on components. Done. Paul decided to use "add-on components."
- All book owners:* Look at 5190 and let Paul know one of three things: 1) No, this doesn't affect my book; 2) Yes, it does and I can fix this by Prelude; 3) Yes, it does, but I can't fix this by Prelude. Preceding AI: Deferred. Related new AI: Paul to change this to an RFE. Done. (Book owners should try to include the cross-references that are being suggested.)
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses
- Nothing new to report - we're beyond this phase for Prelude.
3. Status of deliverables
- Release Notes - SueAnn: On track.
- Quick Start Guide book and HTML - SueAnn: On track.
- Quick Start Guide screencast - SueAnn:
- Administration Guide - Dixie: Posted last draft; speak up if you see anything; quite a few unresolved queries on comments page due to no response from SME.
- Developer's Guide - June: Finishing this up today.
- Application Deployment Guide - June: Finished yesterday.
- Administration Reference - June: Will finish this tomorrow.
- Man Pages - Paul: Done.
- RESTful Web Services Developer's Guide - Debbie: Finishing up.
- jMaki Application Developer's Guide - Devika: Nothing new; not sure if changes will be delivered for the release.
- JRuby Application Developer's Guide - Devika: Nothing new; done.
- Admin GUI Console Online Help - Paul: Done.
- Bundled HTML Pages - Paul: Done.
- Installation Guide - SueAnn: On track.
- GlassFish User FAQ - Gail: In progress.
- GlassFish Developer FAQ - Gail: In progress.
- Welcome Page - Gail: In progress; page will point to docs for multiple releases.
- Add-On Component Development Guide - Paul, Ian, Kim: In progress.
- Paul will post production checklist and send pointer and other related instructions by end of day today, 10/23.
- Deadline for doc checkin is end of day Monday, 10/27.
- The collection will be published on DSC Tuesday, 10/28.
- Check your books Tuesday, 10/28.
4. Doc Bugs
- Brief discussion about list.
5. Open mic - All \ 6. Next meeting - All
- Thursday 10/30 2-3 PM PDT
Main meetings page