GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 11/05/07 Attendees Alan, Paul, Dixie, Scott, Ian, Rajeev, Chinmayee, June, Gail Agenda
- Documentation content and organization – what should v3 docs look like?
- Community involvement – how to best involve the community in content creation and contribution?
Discussion Summary
- Docs have always been presented as large books in HTML and PDF formats, posted in a collection on
- Is that book model the best model going forward? If not, what model should we be using?
- Suggestions about v3 docs included the following:
- Create task-based docs – conduct in-depth task analysis with GlassFish community; what are people doing / what do they need to do with GlassFish? Why are they downloading it to begin with? It's easier and more inviting for community members to participate and contribute when docs are broken down into tasks / HowTo-type chunks
- Create Task Roadmaps
- Create a Doc Wishlist to which the community would contribute – what do you want docs to cover?
- Reduce redundancy – in some cases, information about the same topic or subject matter is covered in several places in the doc set; consolidate this information so it's in just one place
- Enhance Search
- Next meetings: Thursday 11/08/07 1 pm Pacific; Wednesday 11/14/07 8:30 pm Pacific (see the GlassFish v3 Documentation Meetings page for dial-in information)
Community Comments and Suggestions Any thoughts?