GlassFish v3 Community Docs Meeting November 19, 2009 Attendees Devika, Dixie, Gail, Ian, June, Kim, Paul Agenda
- Review of AIs
- Progress on writing assignments by feature
- Bug status
- Unbundled doc review
- Open mic
- Next meeting
- Review of AIs
- Paul:* Determine the URL to API docs for the GlassFish packages and update Prefaces accordingly.
In progress. Rajiv Mordani is now our engineering contact for this. Paul will follow up with him.
- Progress on writing assignments by feature
- Writers provided individual status for their features and doc deliverables.
- Bug status
- We have about 25 P1-P3 bugs in our list, most of them for issues that need to be doc'd in the Release Notes. This number needs to be zero by GF v3 FCS (exit criteria).
- Too late to fix bugs against bundled docs. Will defer to the next release.
- Unbundled doc review
- Review starts Monday, Nov 23 and runs through Dec 1.
- Paul will send a general announcement to the community aliases, pointing to the top-level comment wiki page, indicating that some docs are ready for review and some aren't, and also indicating that individual writers might be contacting key reviewers separately. Paul will also point out that updates might be posted after Nov 23 and reviewers should check back.
- Individual writers should then follow up with key reviewers as necessary.
- Open mic
- Next meeting
Thursday Dec 10, 2009, 2-3 PM PST - Nov 26 and Dec 3 meetings canceled
Main meetings page