GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 11/20/08 Main meetings page Attendees Alan, Dixie, Paul, Gail, Devika, Debbie, June, Ian, SueAnn, Hanan, Eric Agenda Determine writing assignments by feature. Discussion
- This is the first time assignments have been allocated by feature; it introduces a new role, that of feature owner.
- Feature owners will be responsible for documenting their feature for all documentation deliverables: books, man pages, online help, and any other deliverables.
- Feature owners will work with document owners to deliver content for their feature; document owners are still responsible for pulling the content together, production, and other book-related activities.
- Feature owners will research the feature by contacting the author of the respective one pager, then write a doc plan for their feature, identifying all changes required for that feature for all pieces of docs.
- It's difficult to assess the amount of work involved just from the one pagers; resources may need to be shifted once feature owners have a better idea of how much work is required.
Other things to consider:
- The list of one pagers might grow.
- The list only covers new features; it doesn't address GlassFish v2 features that will be ported forward for GlassFish v3.
- One pagers will not be final until early February; it's suggested that feature owners not wait for the final one pager but rather work with SMEs now to determine what's planned for GlassFish v3 and then write the doc plan and start work.
Outcome Determined feature doc owners. Actions Items
- Paul: Add feature doc owners to features page.
- Paul: Determine which features will be carried forward from GlassFish v2.
- Feature owners: Contact SMEs and start work on individual doc plans.
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