GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 11/28/07


Alan, Gail, Rajeev, Paul, Chinmayee, Jennifer, June, Hanan


  • Continue the discussion about performing a task-based analysis using RTA (Rapid Task Analysis) for GlassFish v3 docs
  • Read through GlassFish v3 design docs and info and come to the meeting ready to discuss how to kick off the task brainstorming sessions, what the scope of the first session should be, and who should be involved (key participants)

Discussion Summary

  • Is enough known about GF v3 that we can start a task analysis?
  • Yes, some information is out there; look at the GlassFish v3 planning page
  • Should start with web tier topics/functionality targeted for JavaOne
  • How many brainstorming sessions do we envision?
  • Not sure at this point
  • How would this proocess work?
  • Need to identify topic areas, then probably have a brainstorming session for each one and develop a task list for that topic area
  • "Topics" in this case are somewhat higher level, i.e., a set of related features, etc. Not too granular at this point. Might have something like 10 main topic areas, of which there are of course sub-topics
    Next Steps
    • Next meeting will be Wednesday 12/05 8:30 pm Pacific*
  • For the next meeting, do the homework/prework assigned for the 11/28 meeting, which many people weren't able to complete due to competing priorities:
    • Read the material on the GlassFish v3 planning page
    • Identify possible topics for the task brainstorming sessions and the required participants for each session
    • Bring that list to the meeting; the goal is to finalize the list of topics
  • Between now and the next meeting, discuss any issues or questions that come up via e-mail on the [] mailing list (subscribe to the alias from the GlassFish mailing lists page)

Community Comments and Suggestions?

Any thoughts about this discussion? About GlassFish v3 docs? Please join the conversation! You can do that in several ways:

  • Add your comments to this wiki page
  • Participate in these discussions; details are posted on the GlassFish v3 docs meeting page
  • Use the [] mailing list

Documentation is a community effort, and contributions can be small or large, from writing a HowTo topic to collaborating on a larger guide. If you're interested in docs, we'd love to hear from you.