GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 12/12/08

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Abhijit, Alan, Dixie, Paul, Devika, Debbie, June, Ian, SueAnn, Hanan


  1. GlassFish v3 plans (with engineering manager Abhijit Kumar)
  2. Next meetings

GlassFish v3 Plans

The main focus of the v3 release is the Java EE 6 Reference impleentation:

  • The product is aimed at small deployments.
  • Clustering behind Apache by using mod_jk is possible.

The Java EE 6 Tutorial is a critical document for this release.

Some work on enterprise level features such as clustering will be done for this release and might be made available in early access form through the Update Tool.

The big change for the v3 release will be multiple distributions instead of a single large release. For the v3 release, the distributions will correspond to the Java EE 6 profiles:

  • Web profile
  • Classic profile

Users who initially installed the web profile distribution can install add-on components to extend their installations to the classic profile. Users are not required to install all add-on components that are required for the classic profile distribution. However, any installation that is between the web profile and the classic profile does not comply with the Java EE 6 specification.

Java EE specifications for each profile are expected at the time of the public draft phase (January 2009).

The following specifications are not confirmed for inclusion in Java EE 6:

  • Web Beans
  • Work Manager

The following features are not confirmed for the GlassFish v3 release:

  • Verifier
  • Web Beans
  • Resource Management - might be delayed to v3.1

One documentation issue requires an engineering solution: An alternative to the DTD is required to describe the structure of domain.xml file.

The initial review drafts of the GlassFish v3 half-pagers, 1-pagers, and functional specifications are due on December 17, 2008.

Next Meetings

As Paul is away on Thursday and Friday of the week Dec 15-19, that week's meeting will be rescheduled.

There will be no meetings on December 25, 2008 and January 1, 2009.

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