
Bug Criteria provided by engineers


Module Owner Will you be able to meet proposed bug criteria? If not, what is a realistic goal for Dec 11, 2006? Provide a max number for P3s (bugster and issuetracker combined) for Dec 11, 2006
logging Dinesh Patil Yes 5
admin Nandini Ektare Yes 41 (admin: 38 + hadb_admin: 1 + configuration: 2)
admin-gui Anissa Lam Yes 40
admin-cli Jane Young Yes 20
amx Nandini Ektare Yes 8
deployment Hong Zhang Yes 30
ejb_container Mahesh Kannan Yes 8
webservices Vijay Ramachandran Yes 50 (includes wsit stack bugs also)
GMS Shreedhar Ganapathy Yes 30
CORBA Ken Cavanaugh Yes 10
Monitoring Siraj Ghaffar Yes 10
Web Services Management Satish Viswanatham Yes 10
jms/jca Sivakumar Thyagarajan Yes 10 (Pls note with the new AS/MQ process, AS issues would be raised to track MQ issues. This number is for AS-only issues)
conpool/jdbc Jagadish Ramu, Kshitiz Saxena Yes 10
JavaEE Service Engine Vikas Awasthi Yes 5
Installer Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic Yes 20
Update Center Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic Yes 20

Input provided by engineers for Feature Freeze Date