Changes to List of Names for GlassFish v3 Launch Poster

This page captures all changes to the list of names listed in the GlassFishLaunchPosterProject. Changes can be Additions, Deletions, or NameChanges. Please follow the process and format below.

Process Overview

Please send mail to either advocacy@gf.djn (preferred) or (if you have concerns with privacy) with the request for changes. Carefully fill-in the subject line as indicated in each section.

If you have write access to this page, just go ahead and fill it in, following the format. But do send us the notification so we have a record of the change you want.

Removal Process

Please send mail to either advocacy@gf.djn (preferred) or (if you have concerns with privacy) with the request for changes. Subject line should say "GFv3Poster DELETE <javaDotNetID>".

You MUST tell us who you are in the body of the email plus provide some contact info so we can validate you indeed want to be removed.

Addition Process

Please send mail to either advocacy@gf.djn (preferred) or (if you have concerns with privacy) with the request for changes. Subject line should say "GFv3Poster ADD <Name>".

You MUST go into more details in the body of the email; give us one paragraph each with: Name, Contact info, Java.Net id (if available), What your contribution was.

Change Process

Please send mail to either advocacy@gf.djn (preferred) or (if you have concerns with privacy) with the request for changes. Subject line should say "GFv3Poster CHANGE <javaDotNetID> <Name>".

You MUST tell us who you are in the body of the email plus provide some contact info so we can validate you indeed want to be named differently.

List of DELETED Names

Table is sortable, but please keep table source sorted by id.

Java.Net Id or other Id Date of Removal
mumble sometime
foobar sometime

Jspwiki style: sortable

List of ADDED Names

Table is sortable, but try to keep table source sorted by Preferred Name (first/GIVEN name).

Preferred Name Java.Net/ASF/whatever Id Date of Addition Role
Anil Gaur
Oct 2, 2009 GlassFish Engineering Resources at Sun
Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart pelegri Oct 2, 2009 Community facilitation, TheAquarium
Jonathan Schwartz
Oct 2, 2009 Resources, Support.
Karen Tegan Padir
Oct 2, 2009 GlassFish Resources
Rich Green
Oct 2, 2009 GF Engineering Resources at Sun, Project Support
Tom Kincaid tkincaid Oct 2, 2009 GlassFish Engineering Resources at Sun

Jspwiki style: sortable

List of CHANGED Names

Table is sortable, but please keep table source sorted by id. Please only ONE change if at all possible so we can track it.

OldName (like Java.Net id) New Name Date of Change
pelegri Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart Oct 2, 2009

Jspwiki style: sortable