GlassFish v3 Launch Poster Project

GlassFish v3 is around the corner (early Dec, 2009) and I thought it would be nice to commemorate the milestone via a poster with the names of the people that have contributed, in one way or another, to any of the GlassFish releases. The idea is to be very inclusive: if you think you have contributed, you have - with minimal sanity checks. So here is the plan:

  • I'll coordinate the generation of the names via the advocacy list (advocacy@gf.djn)
  • In parallel we will decide the form for the poster.

To manage the project, I'm working as follows:

  • (done) Collect a list of projects that are directly used in the GlassFish Server(s).
  • (done) Collect the Java.Net ids for anybody that has filed bugs on those projects.
  • (done) Create a page where people can provide a Preferred Name for these Java.Net ids.
  • (done) Same page can be used by additional people to indicate they want to be listed and why
  • (done) Clearly Explain the process in that page for changes.
  • (TBD) Notify users, dev et al. of the plan as indicated here
  • (TBD) Maintain the above pages
  • (TBD) Decide on Image, poster/t-shirt. etc.
  • (TBD) Generate high-res image
  • (TBD) Decde on how to distribute; community party; etc.


  • Somebody pointed out this is similar to the Mozilla Foundation poster created for the launch of FireFox 1.0.
  • A T-shirt based on the poster is another idea. With a pretty small font size
  • Since any ideas start by collecting the names; let's start there.


Who is Listed? - Anybody that has contributed code, tests, bug submissions, session presentations, managers, engineers, tech writers, etc. If you feel you have contributed to any of the GlassFish releases, you qualify. SailFin, Metro, Grizzly, etc. are included.

Core Group? - A small core team will review the names and approve/reject them transparently. I doubt there will be any challenges but the core panel has the final word. So far, Paul, Eduardo, Alexis, Arun; we can add more folks.

Image Deadline - TBD

Last Deadline - Last batch of candidates in AllContributors page by Monday, November 30th, 2009.

How can I get an extra poster? - We will create a high-res poster image; you can print your own copies if necessary.


We need a separate process to choose the image and text that goes with the list of people. It could be done by the Core Panel, or we can ask for image submissions from the community. Note we don't have much time.

Just as a visual example, the poster could be a Duke and a Sparky with a list of dates for v1, v2 (v2u1, v2u2?), v2.1 and v3. The lower part of the poster is a multi-column list of all the names at the bottom in a font that is semi-transparent

The project only works if most contributors are listed, so pass the message around!

AllProjectNames.txt.pdf (application/pdf)
BugSubmissionsComponentCount.pdf (application/pdf)