Awards or GrantsSee also GlassFish Grants And Awards Program Each community has a fair amount of flexibility in how to arrange their programs; the main constraint is that money won't be available until July/August, although it may be "assigned" early. I propose we use a combination of grants and awards, with a heavier emphasis on grants. Also, keeping a certain amount for best contribution among grants may drive up quality. It could itself be and award. (-Alexis, Jan. 10th) Before trying to decide on the specific amounts for each category, I think we should brainstorm a bit about the types of things we want to encourage. The number of categories should be kept to a reasonable amount to that grants and awards remain at above a motivating sum (above $1000). (-Alexis, Jan. 10th) Another thought is that the simpler the program, the better; and, in a practical sense, we may want to see if we can just reuse some of the legal framework from the other communities, just to save us effort. Some Ideas: GRANTS could be for
AWARDS could be for...