GlassFish Awards Program (GAP)

This page contains a description of the GAP.


(Dec 5th, 2007) Sun has announced a multi-year Community Awards program intended to encourage and reward innovation in open source communities. This first year the program covers six Sun-led communities: OpenSPARC,, NetBeans, OpenJDK, OpenSolaris and GlassFish. The total amount of $1M is to be split among the communities. Basic legal framework is provided by Sun but each community will design its own rules (within some legal guidelines, etc). Additional details for the Sun-wide program are available here

Discussions happen at the [advocacy] mailing list; please prefix subjects with [gap].

Table with all the submissions received is at GapSubmissions.

Program Details

This section describes the structure of the program in more detail.


Submissions are to be sent to Gap-Submissions at GF (Archive, [mailto]) before June 30, 2008 at 11:59 P.M. (PST).


The entire amount, $175K, will be allocated for awards. The awards are subdivided into Bug Reports, Contributions and Honorable Mention.

Bug Reports

This award category will be funded at $50,000. One individual may be awarded up to five (5) prizes in this category. See the Gap Rules - Prizes for details. This category includes

  • Bug and Request for Enhancements (RFE) Reports
  • Reports with and without test cases
  • Reports with and without corresponding code contribution.

The numeric goal for this portion of the program is 100 prizes, each $500, thus totalling $50,000.


This award category will be funded at $120,000. One individual can win a maximum of (1) prize in this category. See the Gap Rules - Prizes for details. This category includes, but is not limited to:

  • Developing software applications to enhance or augment to value of the GlassFish developments. See Project Ideas for examples.
  • Creating blueprints or documentation on specific topics (Clustering, Horizontal scaling techniques, architecture tuning, Scripting on GlassFish, etc).
  • Developing curricula, tools courseware previously not previously publicly available (localized, technology focused, etc).
  • Implements a compatible, free software alternative to a remaining bit of encumbered code.
  • Setting up user-groups
  • Creating localized portals
  • Establishing university presence
  • Undergraduate research in Glassfish
  • Other?

See the Gap Themes page for entries that we would like to see.

The New Content award amounts will be broken down into the following prizes:

Description Number of prizes Prize Amount Total Amount
First prize 1 $20,000 $20,000
Second prize 1 $10,000 $10,000
Third prize 1 $10,000 $10,000
Base prizes 20 $4,000 $80,000

The prizes above total $120,000.

Honorable Mention

A total of $5,000 in prizes to Entries from among both the Bug Report Entries and the Contribution Entries.

A panel of judges will decide the winners in July 2008. Prizes will be allocated by end of August 2008. See the Contest Rules for details.
Update: the winners have been decided and the list given off to the company in charge of distributing the prizes. See also this Aquarium post.


See the GAP FAQ for details.

Other programs

See the Sun Awards main page for details on the award programs in other Sun communities.