GlassFish Grants and Awards Program - Themes

Themes will be useful as ideas for indivuals/groups that want to submit proposals for the GAP program; they should either be an "important" topic (for some measure of "important") or good starter projects or both. In all cases whoever submits the theme should be able to explain its relevance.

Themes are not intended to be exhaustive and we will not require that submissions conform to any particular theme, but the themes will also help us understand what type of metrics we should be using when choosing among proposals later.

Please submit themes to the [advocacy] alias, one theme/topic per email and one of us (eduard/o or somebody else) will capture them in the wiki, with the name of whoever submitted each theme. If you want you add your name to a theme, build on the theme, or make any comment on it, just participate on the corresponding mail thread.

The Wiki already has a list of Project Ideas; maybe the right thing is to expand on that list with more information and/or qualifiers. I'll talk with Kyle about it.


Horizontal Scaling Blueprints

Blueprints for a typical horizontal scaled project using ehCache / TerraCotta / GemFire / Memcached with MySQL / PostgreSQL or whatever at the backend.

See Blueprints for WebTier and ehCache

Scripting on GlassFIsh

Help GlassFish (specially v3) be a good platform for Scripting-based applications. Either based on JVM interpretation (like jRuby) or via fast CGI (or LRWP or others) and "native" implementations.

See Jython, Quercus, Groovy and Grails

Social Networks

TBD - See A, B, C,