Projects Rights and Responsibilities So, Why would a Project want to be in the GlassFish Community?, and What Rights and Responsibilites does it convey? This is a first cut... Rights
- Voting Rights for the Governance Board (rules TBD)
- Participation in Working Groups (rules TBD)
- Working Groups will include: Advocacy and Governance. Others still TBD.
- Artifacts in GlassFish Update Center repository
- Artifacts get promoted into Maven Repository
- Participation in GlassFish Day Events
- Participation in GGAAP
- If your project goes into the Java EE RI, then, in general, we will need either a very lenient license, or a shared copyright so we can redistribute the code to the Java EE licensees.
- Note there is the Governance for the community, and then the Governances for each project.
- Each project is expected to adhere to the Community Governance
- Your project should commit to having a clear Project Governance (we know about work in progress).
- We are trying to minimize governances, so we will very much want your participation in a governance WG to define a governance that can be used by as many projects as possible. Work still TBD.