<div style="color:black;"> <div style="margin:10px; padding:0 0 3px 0; border:0;"> <img src="/gfwiki/attach/GlassFishDay2007/gfday2007_full.png" alt="GlassFish Day 2007" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-right:10px; float: left;" /> <span style="color:black; font-size:125%; line-height: 125%;"> <span style="font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline">Part of the FREE CommunityONE Day at JavaONE</span><br /> Monday, May 7, 2007 <span style="font-size:75%">(10:30 am - 7:30 pm)</span><br /> Moscone Center <span style="font-size:75%">(San Francisco, CA, USA)</span></span> <br/> <span style="color:red; font-size:150%; line-height: 150%; font-weight:bold;""> Register Now </span> <span> Includes free pass to first day of <a href="http://java.sun.com/javaone">JavaOne</a>, <span style="color:red; font-size:120%; line-height: 120%; font-weight:bold;"><a href="#sessions">Sessions</a></span> and <span style="color:red; font-size:120%; line-height: 120%; font-weight:bold;""><a href="#demonstrations">Demo Stations</a></span> <br/> Content available on the <span style="color:red; font-size:120%; line-height: 120%; font-weight:bold;"">Virtual GlassFish Day Page </span> </span> </p> </div> What is It? <p style="color:black; padding-left: 10px;"> On Monday, May 7, the day before the 2007 JavaOne Conference, the GlassFish Community is hosting a FREE companion event at the Moscone Center. See how the GlassFish Application Server continues to lead with the latest technology. Learn from the experts about what's new and what's coming: modularization, scripting language support, Web 2.0 features, and more. Hear how others are already putting GlassFish into action with large-scale production deployments. </p> <p style="color:black; padding-left: 10px;"> There will also be keynotes by Jonathan Schwartz, President and CEO of Sun Microsystems, and Rich Green, Sun's Executive Vice President for Software. Space is limited. So register now! </p> <a href="http://blogs.oracle.com/theaquarium/resource/C1Agenda_AsOf29Apr07-966_792px.jpg" title="click for larger size"> <img src="http://blogs.oracle.com/theaquarium/resource/C1Agenda_AsOf29Apr07-966_792px.jpg"></a> <a name="sessions"> Sessions <p style="color:black; padding-left: 10px;"> GlassFish Getting Started & What's New in GlassFish v2 In this state of the union GlassFish session, you'll hear about where the community stands, how it's evolving towards a complete middleware solution encompassing a production-ready Java EE application server, a JBI infrastructure for SOA-based deployments and a complete identity infrastructure solution ranging from an LDAP server to an SSO and Federation product. Full session description. </p> <p style="color:black; padding-left: 10px;"> Lunch with Jonathan Schwartz and Rich Green <span style="color:red; font-size:150%; line-height: 150%; font-weight:bold;"">(new)</span> We're lucky to have secured Sun's CEO and Software SVP for a discussion with the GlassFish community. This is your chance to ask tough questions and most likely get straight answers. We'll probably also use this session to recognize outstanding GlassFish Community Members. </p> <p style="color:black; padding-left: 10px;"> GlassFish in Real Life While there are no two identical uses of the GlassFish technologies, this talk will feature three different deployment stories using GlassFish. It will discuss the architectural choices made with technologies such as various JPA implementations, distributed caching technologies, Spring integration, and so on. You will also hear about the interaction with the GlassFish community from the actual users themselves from the time they select a product to the time they put it their architecture into production. Full session description. </p> <p style="color:black; padding-left: 10px;"> GlassFish Partner Ecosystem As they say, it takes a village. The GlassFish Partner Ecosystem is growing rapidly to integrate value-added frameworks, innovative clustering and caching technologies, productivity tools, vertical solutions, and more. This session will highlight the solutions from partners which will let you adapt and transform GlassFish to best fit your technical and business needs. Full session description. </p> <p style="color:black; padding-left: 10px;"> GlassFish v3, Identity Services with OpenDS and OpenSSO, and Cool stuff In this session, we'll take a look at the ongoing work for GlassFish v3 which has modularity as its main goal to provide a great Web 2.0 modular foundation for Java, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP and other containers. Next we'll focus on Identity Services provided by OpenSSO (access and federation) and OpenDS (100% Java LDAP server). We'll specifically show OpenSSO for OpenID-based authentication to a blog feed that uses Atom for syndication and OpenDS as a data store running on Glassfish. Full session description. </p> <a name="demonstrations"> Demo Stations Throughout the event, a series of Demo Stations will be available to discuss with GlassFish partners and GlassFish engineers on specific product features. Each partner is listed in the CommunityOne partner page
Partner stations |
GlassFish demos |
*Spring (Interface21)* Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. Spring at GlassFish Day |
OpenDS/OpenSSO/OpenID Identity Services provided by OpenSSO (access and federation) and OpenDS (100% Java LDAP server). Showing OpenSSO for OpenID-based authentication to a blog feed that uses Atom for syndication and OpenDS as a data store running on Glassfish |
*Jetty (WebTide)* [http://developers.sun.com/events/communityone/images/webtide.gif2000 ] [Jett 2000 y at GlassFish Day |
http://blogs.oracle.com/theaqua 2000 rium/entry/jetty_at_glassfish 2000 _day] |
*OpenPortal* Showing NetBeans PortalPack Project Tools, Portlet Container Project as a lightweight runtime environment for Portlets, WSRP Project as a means to publish / consume remote portlets, Eclipse PortalPack Project Tools, key Portal 7.x features including Communities, Ajax Container, and more. |
*Quercus (Caucho)* Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. Caucho Quercus at GlassFish Day |
Admin, Monitoring Whether used in a simple developer mode or in a multi-machine multi-instance cluster topology, GlassFish offers facilities to administer and monitor running applications, web services and application server infrastructure such a connection pool, HTTP listener threads, etc... |
*TerraCotta* Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. TerraCotta at GlassFish Day |
OpenESB Open ESB implements an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) runtime using Java Business Integration (JBI) as the foundation. Open ESB allows you to easily integrate enterprise applications and web services as loosely coupled composite applications. This allows you to seamlessly compose and recompose your composite applications, realizing the benefits of a true Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Open ESB runs on GlassFish with NetBeans Enterprise Pack providing a great tooling solution. |
*JBoss* Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. JBoss at GlassFish Day |
Web 2.0, jMaki, Phobos and GlassFish v3 jMaki is a lightweight client-server framework from the GlassFish community for creating Web 2.0 applications. It offers CSS layouts, the widget model, client services such as publish/subscribe events to tie widgets together, JavaScript programming language action handlers, and a generic proxy to interact with external RESTful web services. |
*JVantage* Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. JVantage support GlassFish |
*GlassFish Clustering* Clustering is one of the key new features in GlassFis v2. It is composed of a grouping technology called Shoal, load-balancing techniques and replication of state using in-memory or HADB technologies. Come, see all of these in action and talk to the engineers who've built the system. |
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