Security Documentation Plan for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
Scott Fordin Documentation Feature Owner Burlington, MA, USA US/Eastern
Paul Davies Peer Reviewer Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific
Kumar Jayanti Feature Lead Bangalore, India IST
Tom Mueller Software Engineer Omaha, NE, USA US/Central
Bill Shannon Software Engineer Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific
Martin Matula SW Engineering Manager Prague, Czech Republic Middle/Central European (MET)
Tim Quinn Software Engineer Itasca, IL, USA US/Central
Sonia Liu QA Engineer Santa Clara, CA, US US/Pacific


This feature is aimed at system administrators, application developers, and product support engineers.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

The GlassFish 3.1 Security module will address the following high-level problems:

  1. Security in Cluster Mode
  2. New Features and BugFixes in the core security framework of GlassFish V3.1
  3. WebLogic Deployment Descriptor Support


This feature is available in all GlassFish Server distributions.

Statement of Work

This section describes in detail for each document the work that is required by the introduction of the feature, such as changes, addition of new material, relocation of existing material, and removal of existing material.

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

Note - If a document is task based (as opposed to reference), the changes should be determined from the user task analysis for the feature.

New Books

Security Guide

The GlassFish Security Review has recommended that a Security Guide be produced which documents application security mechanisms and outlines how to install and manage applications securely. GlassFish Product management has defined 3.1 as the target release for this Guide.

Content Sources

The content in the new Security Guide will be a combination new and existing material from the following sources:

Proposed Security Guide Outline

The parenthetical notation preceding each chapter and section heading indicates the source product documentation for the material for that entry. The following key is used:

(3.0.1) GlassFish 3.0.1
(2.1.1) GlassFish 2.1.1
(WLS) WebLogic Server
(NEW) New material

''GlassFish 3.1 Security Guide''

  1. (3.0.1) Administering System Security
  2. (NEW) Installing GlassFish in a Secure Environment
    1. (NEW/WLS)
    2. (NEW) Closed Network Installation
    3. (3.0.1) About System Security in GlassFish Server
      1. (3.0.1) Authentication
        1. (3.0.1) Authentication Types
        2. (NEW) Adding JSR 196 Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container
        3. (3.0.1) Passwords
          1. (3.0.1) Master Password and Keystores
          2. (3.0.1) Administration Password
          3. (3.0.1) Encoded Passwords
          4. (3.0.1) Web Browsers and Password Storage
        4. (3.0.1) Password Aliases
        5. (3.0.1) Single Sign-on
      2. (3.0.1) Authorization
        1. (3.0.1) Roles
        2. (3.0.1) Java Authorization Contract for Containers
        3. (NEW) Working with Policy Files
          1. (NEW) ~/.policy Files
          2. (NEW) Node ~/.policy Files
      3. (3.0.1) Auditing
      4. (3.0.1) Firewalls
      5. (3.0.1) Certificates and SSL
        1. (3.0.1) Certificates
        2. (3.0.1) Certificate Chains
        3. (3.0.1) Certificate Files
        4. (3.0.1) Secure Sockets Layer
        5. (NEW) SSL Mutual Authentication
          1. (3.0.1) Ciphers
          2. (3.0.1) Name-based Virtual Hosts
          3. (NEW) Custom Validation
          4. (NEW) Group Assignments
      6. (3.0.1) Tools for Managing System Security
    4. (3.0.1) Administering Passwords
      1. (NEW) Master Password Security Options
      2. (3.0.1) To Change the Master Password
      3. (3.0.1) To Change the Administration Password
      4. (3.0.1) To Set a Password From a File
      5. (3.0.1) Administering Password Aliases
        1. (3.0.1) To Create a Password Alias
        2. (3.0.1) To List Password Aliases
        3. (3.0.1) To Delete a Password Alias
        4. (3.0.1) To Update a Password Alias
    5. (3.0.1) Administering Audit Modules
      1. (3.0.1) To Create an Audit Module
      2. (3.0.1) To List Audit Modules
      3. (3.0.1) To Delete an Audit Module
    6. (3.0.1) Administering JSSE Certificates
      1. (3.0.1) To Generate a Certificate by Using keytool
      2. (3.0.1) To Sign a Certificate by Using keytool
      3. (3.0.1) To Delete a Certificate by Using keytool
  3. (3.0.1) Administering User Security
    1. (3.0.1) Administering Authentication Realms
      1. (3.0.1) Overview of Authentication Realms
        1. (NEW) PAM Realm
        2. (NEW) OSGi Realm
      2. (3.0.1) To Create an Authentication Realm
      3. (3.0.1) To List Authentication Realms
      4. (3.0.1) To Update an Authentication Realm
      5. (3.0.1) To Delete an Authentication Realm
      6. (3.0.1) To Configure a JDBC or Digest Authentication Realm
    2. (3.0.1) Administering File Users
      1. (3.0.1) To Create a File User
      2. (3.0.1) To List File Users
      3. (3.0.1) To List File Groups
      4. (3.0.1) To Update a File User
      5. (3.0.1) To Delete a File User
  4. (3.0.1) Administering Message Security
    1. (3.0.1) About Message Security in GlassFish Server
      1. (3.0.1) Security Tokens and Security Mechanisms
      2. (3.0.1) Authentication Providers
      3. (3.0.1) Message Protection Policies
      4. (3.0.1) Application-Specific Web Services Security
      5. (3.0.1) Message Security Administration
        1. (3.0.1) Message Security Tasks
        2. (3.0.1) Message Security Roles
          1. (3.0.1) System Administrator
          2. (3.0.1) Application Deployer
          3. (3.0.1) Application Developer/Assembler
      6. (3.0.1) Sample Application for Web Services
    2. (3.0.1) Enabling Default Message Security Providers for Web Services
      1. (3.0.1) To Enable a Default Server Provider
      2. (3.0.1) To Enable a Default Client Provider
    3. (3.0.1) Configuring Message Protection Policies
      1. (3.0.1) Message Protection Policy Mapping
      2. (3.0.1) To Configure the Message Protection Policies for a Provider
      3. (3.0.1) Setting the Request and Response Policy for the Application Client Configuration
    4. (3.0.1) Administering Non-default Message Security Providers
      1. (3.0.1) To Create a Message Security Provider
      2. (3.0.1) To List Message Security Providers
      3. (3.0.1) To Update a Message Security Provider
      4. (3.0.1) To Delete a Message Security Provider
    5. (NEW) Administering JACC Providers
      1. (NEW) To Create a JACC Provider
      2. (NEW) To Delete a JACC Provider
      3. (NEW) To List JACC Providers
    6. (3.0.1) Enabling Message Security for Application Clients
    7. (3.0.1) Additional Information About Message Security
  5. (NEW) Administering Security in Cluster Mode
    1. (2.1.1) Security Options
    2. (2.1.1/NEW) Configuring Load Balancer Security
    3. (2.1.1/NEW) Configuring Web Server Security
    4. (2.1.1/NEW) Configuring Certificates in Cluster Mode
  6. (NEW) Administering Runtime Security
    1. (NEW) Runtime Security Overview
      1. (NEW) Running GlassFish with Default Security
      2. (NEW) Running GlassFish with Secure Admin
        1. (NEW) Blocking DAS-to-DAS and Instance-to-Instance Traffic
        2. (NEW) Restricting Admin Client-to-Instance Traffic
    2. (NEW) Controlling Secure Admin
      1. (NEW) enable-secure-admin Subcommand
      2. (NEW) disable-secure-admin Subcommand
    3. (NEW) Securing Remote Client-to-DAS Traffic
      1. (NEW) Forcing HTTPS Request Upgrade
      2. (NEW) Sending HTTPS Authorization Header
      3. (NEW) Sending HTTPS Without Authorization Header
      4. (NEW) Forcing HTTP Authorization Header
      5. (NEW) Allowing Browser Access to the DAS
      6. (NEW) Using SSL/TLS Negotiation
      7. (NEW) Allowing Unsecured Administrator Login
    4. (NEW) Securing Local asadmin Client-to-Instance Traffic
    5. (NEW) Securing DAS-to-Instance and Instance-to-DAS Traffic
    6. (NEW) Guarding Against Unwanted Connections
      1. (NEW) DAS-to-DAS and Instance-to-Instance Considerations
      2. (NEW) Remote Client-to-Instance Considerations
    7. (NEW) Securing Remote Instances
      1. (NEW) Configuring Grizzly
      2. (NEW) Creating Secure Domains
      3. (NEW) Creating a New Instance
        1. (NEW) Using asadmin create-instance and SSH Remotely
        2. (NEW) Using asadmin create-local-instance Locally
      4. (NEW) Starting the New Instance
    8. (NEW) Upgrading a Secure GlassFish Installation
      1. (NEW) Upgrading the DAS
      2. (NEW) Upgrading the Instances

Changes to Books

Administration Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Part II, Security Administration Moderate-Major Scott All reviewers Migrate entire Part to new Security Guide; includes Chapters 11, 12, and 13 of current guide; redirect links from other sections and books as needed.

Application Deployment Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Appendix B, GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptor Files        
About the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors Minor Scott Kumar Add WebLogic Deployment Descriptors to list.
The sun-application.xml File
The sun-web.xml File
The sun-ejb-jar.xml File
The sun-cmp-mappings.xml File
The sun-application-client.xml file
The sun-acc.xml File
The sun-resources.xml File
Minor Scott Sonia Add WebLogic Deployment Descriptors to relevant locations.
C. Elements of the GlassFish Server Deployment Descriptors Moderate Scott Kumar, Tom, Bill Describe WebLogic Deployment Descriptors.

Application Development Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Chapter 5, Securing Applications        
Security Goals Minor Scott Kumar Add PAM, OSGi to list of authentication realms.
GlassFish Server Specific Security Features Minor Scott Kumar Add JACC support.
Roles, Principals, and Principal to Role Mapping Moderate Scott Bill Add custom and group mapping support.
Realm Configuration, Supported Realms Minor Scott Tom Add PAM, OSGi realms.
Creating a Custom Realm Moderate Scott Kumar Update, add new Login module information.
JACC Support Moderate-New Scott Kumar Add new JACC support information; new CLI options.
The server.policy File, all subsections & tasks Major Scott Kumar, Bill Provide new/updated details about the five available categories of permission grants.
Configuring Message Security for Web Services,
Application-Specific Message Protection
Major-New Scott All reviewers Document new and updated message methods; new sample application?
Configuring Message Security for Web Services,
Message Security Providers
Major-New Scott All reviewers Document new and modified message security providers, JACC interoperability
Configuring Message Security for Web Services,
Application-Specific Message Protection
Major-New Scott All reviewers Document new and updated message methods; new sample application?
Programmatic Login Moderate-New Scott All reviewers Document new and updated Login methods, grants, groups; new examples.
User Authentication for Single Sign-On Moderate-New Scott All reviewers Add SSL mutual authentication, groups, custom validation.
Adding Authentication Mechanisms to the Servlet Container Major-New Scott All reviewers Add descriptions of new methods; new example

Domain File Format Reference Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Chapter 1, The domain.xml File Moderate Scott Sonia Document new JACC elements.

Changes to man Pages

asadmin man Page Changes

Topic Title Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
create-jacc-provider New Scott Kumar New subcommand.
delete-jacc-provider New Scott Kumar New subcommand.
list-jacc-providers New Scott Kumar New subcommand.
list-supported-ciphers New Scott Kumar New subcommand
enable-secure-admin New Scott Tim New subcommand.
disable-secure-admin New Scott Tim New subcommand.
create-auth-realm Minor Scott Kumar Changed behavior.

Changes to Online Help

Admin Console Online Help Changes

See the GlassFish 3.1 Admin Console Doc Plan for a list of Admin Console online help changes.

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items that are affected by this feature is provided in the following table.

Item Review Start Date Review End Date
Security Guide    
Administration Guide    
Application Deployment Guide    
Application Development Guide    
Domain File Format Reference    
asadmin man Page    
Admin Console Online Help    

Reviewers are listed in the Statement of Work.

Related Information

Email aliases:

Comment ID
Section Comment
PMD-001 People and Roles
  • Tim Quinn
  • Martin Matula, SW Engineering Manager, located in Prague, Czech Republic, in the Middle/Central European Time (MET) time zone, email (he doesn't have a email address).
PMD-002 Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective
  • Items 2, 3: OAM and OWSM integration are outwith the scope of GlasFish Server Open Source Edition. Remove references to them from this plan.
  • Item 4: Double check with the CORBA team to see if these changes will be made in release 3.1.
  • Item 6: Clarify the extent to which WLS DD elements will be supported in 3.1.
PMD-003 Proposed Security Guide Outline
Ensure that changes that result from PMD-002 are propagated to this outline.
PMD-004 Application Deployment Guide Changes Itemize the WLS DD elements that are to be added. As I understand it, not all WLS DD elements will be supported in this release.
Reference Manual Changes Delete this section. The changes to man pages are propagated automatically to the Reference Manual without further intervention from the writer, so they do not need to be listed twice.
Domain File Format Reference Changes Remove the reference to WLS DD elements. The WLS DD elements are not part of domain.xml.
Changes to Online Help Move the content of this section to the Administration Console Documentation Plan and add a cross-reference to that plan.
PMD-008 Related Information
Add a link to the 3.1 Secure Admin Traffic 1-pager.
Posted by pauldavies at Jul 30, 2010 10:43
Comment ID Comment
PMD-001 Added entries.
PMD-002 Removed OAM and OWSM entries. CORBA and WLS DD info still TBD.
PMD-003 Done. Also added entries per Kumar et al.
PMD-004 List TBD.
PMD-005 Deleted.
PMD-006 Deleted.
PMD-007 Moved content. Also added entries per Kumar et al.
PMD-008 Added link.
Posted by sfordin at Aug 09, 2010 19:04
Comment ID Section Comment
SRF-001 Security Guide Added new chapter, "Administering Runtime Security."
SRF-002 asadmin man Pages Added two new subcommands to man Pages: enable-secure-admin, disable-secure-admin.
Posted by sfordin at Aug 16, 2010 20:11