GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - Security


The Security Features for V3.1 can be classified under the following high level tasks:


Feature ID Priority Description Eng Response Owner(s) Estimate (Man Days) Source of Requirement Status / Comments
SEC-001 P2 Enhanced Security for Master password Yes Kumar 5 Vulnerability 80% complete, cleaned up code in Admin and Security Modules that deal with this. Working to fix how Grizzly gets this information securely. There is also a JarSigner usage in AppClient that seems to expect a password from the SecuritySupport SPI which needs to be cleaned up similarly.
SEC-002 P3 Cleanup universal grants in server.policy Yes Kumar 5 Some of the universal grants in server.policy are too accomodating and we need to clean it up to make the appserver more secure by default and more suitable for a cloud environment. Actual task is small but requires testing different areas of glassfish with SecurityManager ON after the cleanup Started. Small dependency on ClassLoader team, we expect them to give right permissions to loaded application classes. Requirement communicated to Jerome.
SEC-004 P3 FailOver and Loadbalancing of Secure IIOP requests No Kumar + Nithya 20 CSIv2 never worked correctly in GF V2 with FOLB enabled Dependency on CORBA Team. Initial discussion indicates the need for security team to do a major restructuring the code so that core CSIv2 Interfaces are moved into the ORB. While the CORBA team would do the moving of code into ORB, the security team needs to fix some things which are considered problematic. More details here
SEC-005 P3 WebLogic Deployment Descriptor Support Yes Kumar + Nithya 10 Adoption Strategy? More details here
SEC-006 P2 Extend Certificate realm to allow custom validation and group assignment based on the recieved client certificate in an SSL Mutual Authentcation. Yes - 0 VOC Completed , need to create a dev test
SEC-007 P3 Finalize the support for PAM Realm in V3.1. This will allow secure apps deployed on V3.1 to authenticate its users against the native Solaris/Linux users list. Yes Nithya 3 New Feature, subsumes and extends what we had in terms of SolarisRealm Done, need to create a dev-test + blog and QA hand-off.
SEC-008 P3 Use of Tubes in GlassFish instead of Pipes for supporting Asychrony. Yes Nithya 10 Performance Tubes have been implemented but not enabled. Risk : Special handling is required for ThreadLocals and GF-Security uses ThreadLocal(s) for a few set of things and we need make sure we are not breaking functionality here. There is an effort do define a new API that would be suitable for a full-featured support of asynchronous server side processing, addressable clients, as well as other requirements from WLS team. This is however not targeted for the GFv3.1 timeframe.
SEC-015 P1 OAM + OWSM support for 3.1. Yes Kumar + Nithya 20 Oracle Product Management we will need to provide a backport for 2.x release. More details on the current proposal for OAM support are here
SEC-016 P1 Security related CLI support for 3.1 Yes Nithya 20 Feature Parity Need to verify existing security related CLIs and provide --target support to enable cluster security infrastructure support. Refer to [GlassFish 3.1 features wiki |^GlassFishv3.1] (Security section) for complete CLI list.
SEC-017 P3 Making DevTests or a subset of it work in Embedded Mode Yes Nithya 5 recent reports on Security related failures in Embedded mode  
SEC-018 P1 Policy-Translation for EJB's is happening during EJBDeployer.generateArtifacts() and needs to be changed to happen during Deployment.MODULE_LOADED event (on the lines of what happens for Web Modules). NA Kumar 5 Correctness This will allow us to do complete policy translation on the Instances in clustered mode more details on policy-generation for cluster are here
SEC-019 P2 Localization and Message ID's of INFO Logs Yes Nithya + Kumar 7 V3.1 requirement Logging Req Doc
SEC-020 P2 Module imported/exported packages cleanup Yes Kumar + Nithya 5 Performance More details here
SEC-021 P3 ORB restructuring, fixing a long-standing concurrency issue NA Kumar 10 CR:6913736 Since the original plan of moving CSIv2 code around between ORB and GF-Security is not being planned for V3.1, the scope of the work has been reduced to issue CR:6913736. This CR only affects Standalone Clients. Reducing the Priority of this task to be the same as the priority of the Bug.

The features SEC-003, SEC-009 to SEC-012, SEC-014 which are P3/P4 in nature will be taken up if the team gets time to work on them (before the SCF). Otherwise these features would be deferred to a later release. SEC-013 is about updating some document errors in Servlet3.0 Security Chapter and Ron.Monzillo is aware of it and will be fixing them.

Design Document

The design documents are currently in draft phase, will be refined in coming days.

Milestone Schedule

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
MS2 (6/21) Porting OWSM Interop related Fixes to Metro 1.6     DONE
01. MS2 (6/21) SEC-015 GlassFish OAM Integration Yes CODE COMPLETE, tested the Authenticator Mode with BASIC, FORM and CERTIFICATE authentication, Need to test Identity-Asserter Mode, which requires installing a Proxy-Server Front-Ending GlassFish and need to install Oracle AccessManager WebGate Plugin at the Proxy-Server and a ModJK connector to GlassFish
02. MS3 (7/19) SEC-006 see Scope table above Yes will do QA/Docs handover with proper Dev Tests  
03. MS3 (7/19) SEC-007 ditto Yes  
04. MS3 (7/19) SEC-018 ditto Yes  
05. MS3 (7/19) SEC-001 ditto Yes  
06. MS3 (7/19) SEC-002 ditto Yes  
07. MS3 (7/19) SEC-016 ditto Yes  
MS4 Policy alternatives in Metro      
08. MS4 (8/16) SEC-017 ditto NA No visible effect for QA
09. MS4 (8/16) SEC-021 ditto NA  
MS5 Unified config in Metro      
10. MS5 (9/13) SEC-005 ditto Yes  
11. MS5 (9/13) SEC-020 ditto NA  
12. MS6 SEC-019 ditto NA  

Not do:

13. SEC-003 ditto Yes  
14. SEC-008 ditto Yes  
15. SEC-004 ditto Yes  
16. SEC-009 ditto Yes  
17. SEC-012 ditto Yes  
18. SEC-014 ditto Yes  

Task List

Jspwiki style: sortable


Task Target Milestone Start End Date Owner(s) Feature ID Status / Comments
Dev-Test for SEC-006 MS1 5/20 5/24 Kumar SEC-006  
Checkin PAM Realm and write Dev-Test MS1 5/10 5/15 Nithya SEC-007  
Fix Policy Translation for EJB's MS1 5/20 5/24 Kumar SEC-018  
Work on Functional Specs and Design MS1 5/10 5/24 Kumar NA  
Get upto speed on Oracle OAM and OWSM MS1 5/10 5/24 Kumar + Nithya SEC-015 Need to install and experiment with samples from Oracle.
Dev-Tests in Embedded Mode MS2 5/25 6/1 Nithya SEC-017  
Work on V3.0.1 fixes NA 5/7 5/20 Kumar + Nithya some more issues remain to be fixed in 3.0.1
Work on remaning issues with cleaning up of system props for master-password MS2 5/25 6/1 Kumar SEC-001
Cleaning up universal-grants in server.policy MS2 6/2 6/7 Kumar SEC-002 Depedency on ClassLoader Team making some suggested changes.
Securing Namespace access MS2 6/2 6/12 Nithya SEC-003  
Re-design and Re-structure code in module for enabling ORB to pull in CSIv2 interfaces MS2 6/8 6/20 Kumar + Nithya SEC-004 Nithya to join after completing SEC-003
Work on OAM Integration Feature MS3 6/21 7/19 Kumar + Nithya SEC-015 interleave 80%-20% with work for SEC-004
Work on IIOP FOLB with CSIv2 MS3 6/21 7/19 Kumar + Nithya SEC-004 interleave 20%-80% with work for SEC-015
Work on IIOP FOLB with CSIv2 MS4 7/20 8/16 Kumar + Nithya SEC-004 Also need to develop clustered dev-tests during this time.
Verify security related CLI support for V3.1 MS4 8/2 8/7 Nithya + Kumar SEC-016 interleave with work for SEC-004
Use of Tubes instead of existing Pipes for WebServices Security in GF V3.1 MS4 7/20 8/1 Nithya SEC-008 interleave with work for SEC-004
Clustered CSIv2 DevTests MS3 + MS4     Nithya + Kumar SEC-004 Need to create clustered tests for IIOP FOLB with CSIv2
Fix P1 bugs MS4     Nithya + Kumar N/A MS4 is the SCF for infrastructure. All P1 bugs need to be addressed
Logging Guidelines compliance MS5 8/17 8/24 Kumar + Nithya SEC-019  
Module export/import cleanup MS5 8/25 9/1 Kumar + Nithya SEC-020  
Weblogic DD Support MS5 8/17 8/27 Kumar + Nithya SEC-005  




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  • module name(s): security/*

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