Transaction Service Documentation Plan for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
Paul Davies Documentation Feature Owner Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific
  Peer Reviewer
Marina Vatkina Software Engineer Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific
Sherry Hill QA Engineer Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific


The Transaction Service is aimed at system administrators.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

The transaction service ensures data integrity and consistency by enclosing a series of discreet actions in an application that must all complete successfully in a transaction, which is an indivisible unit of work. The transaction service enables system administrators to start and stop the service and to recover and roll back transactions.


The Transaction Service is supplied in the Web Profile distribution and the Full Platform distribution.

Statement of Work

This section describes in detail for each document the work that is required by the introduction of the feature, such as changes, addition of new material, relocation of existing material, and removal of existing material.

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

Note - If a document is task based (as opposed to reference), the changes should be determined from the user task analysis for the feature.

Changes to Books

Application Development Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Chapter 15, Using the Transaction Service Minor Paul Davies Marina Vatkina Move this chapter to the Administration Guide and consolidate it with the chapter about administering transactions there.

Administration Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
Chapter 21 Administering Transactions Moderate Paul Davies Marina Vatkina Consolidate the information in this chapter with the information from the Application Development Guide.

Reinstate Distributed Transaction Recovery from the v2.1.1 documentation.

Remove information about using the Administration Console.

In Storing Transaction Logs in a Database, explain the limitations of storing the logs in a database.

Changes to Online Help

None. Support in the Administration Console for recovering transactions on clustered instances and standalone instances is provided through Administration Console changes for the Cluster Infrastructure feature.

Changes to Man Pages

Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
freeze-transaction-service(1) Minor Paul Davies Marina Vatkina Reinstate description of --target option.
recover-transactions(1) Minor Paul Davies Marina Vatkina Reinstate description of --target option.
rollback-transaction(1) Minor Paul Davies Marina Vatkina Reinstate description of --target option.
unfreeze-transaction-service(1) Minor Paul Davies Marina Vatkina Reinstate description of --target option.

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items that are affected by this feature is provided in the following table.

Item Review Start Date Review End Date
Application Development Guide changes    
Administration Guide Guide changes    
Man page changes    

Reviewers are listed in the Statement of Work.

Related Information

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