This page provides links to review drafts of new and changed documentation for the Transaction Service project as listed in the Transaction Service Documentation Plan.

Mandatory reviewers for each item are listed in each section.

Changes to existing documentation since the last release are marked with change bars. No changes are marked in new documentation.

Please provide your feedback by adding a comment to this page. To simplify the processing of your comments, please add your comments in the format in the sample comment. Review existing comments to see known issues and avoid duplicates.

Changes to Books

Administration Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Reviewers Status
Administering Transactions Moderate Marina Vatkina, Sherry Hill Reviewed by Marina

Application Development Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Reviewers Status
Using the Transaction Service Moderate Marina Vatkina, Sherry Hill Reviewed by Marina

Changes to Online Help

Changes to Man Pages

Mandatory reviewers in addition to the reviewers that are listed in the table are as follows:

  • Sherry Hill
  • Tom Mueller
Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Reviewers
freeze-transaction-service(1) Minor Marina Vatkina
unfreeze-transaction-service(1) Minor Marina Vatkina
recover-transactions(1) Minor Marina Vatkina
rollback-transaction(1) Moderate Marina Vatkina

freeze-transaction-service.1.pdf (application/pdf)
recover-transactions.1.pdf (application/pdf)
rollback-transaction.1.pdf (application/pdf)
unfreeze-transaction-service.1.pdf (application/pdf)
freeze-transaction-service.1.pdf (application/pdf)
recover-transactions.1.pdf (application/pdf)
rollback-transaction.1.pdf (application/pdf)
transactions-ag.pdf (application/pdf)
dgjts.pdf (application/pdf)
dgjts.pdf (application/pdf)
dgjts.pdf (application/pdf)
transactions-ag.pdf (application/pdf)
transactions-ag.pdf (application/pdf)
transactions-ag.pdf (application/pdf)
transactions-ag.pdf (application/pdf)
transactions-ag.pdf (application/pdf)
transactions-ag.pdf (application/pdf)
Comment ID Location Comment
RJP-001 recover-transactions(1) man page Sample comment. Should provide a proposed fix and correct content if applicable.
RJP-002 rollback-transaction(1) man page Another sample comment.
Posted by rebeccaparks at Nov 03, 2010 15:26
Comment ID Location Comment
trm-1 freeze-transaction-service, unfreeze-transaction-service Under Option, configuration_name: does this actually freeze the transaction service an all instances that use this configuration?  If so, please state that.
trm-2 freeze-transaction-service Does this change persist across a restart of the server instance?
trm-3 recover-transactions Under the --transactionlogdir option, where it says, "When a server fails, it writes its location in the transaction log", should then end of this actually be "server log" rather than "transaction log"?  It seems odd that the location of the transaction log would be written in the transaction log as you would have to know where it is to find out where it is.
trm-4 recover-transactions Under Description, I think it would be better to explain where this command is used before explaining where it is not used. 
trm-5 rollback-transaction Under --target option, is it really true that this can only be used on the DAS and stand alone instances? The code says it can be used on a clustered instance too.
Posted by trmueller at Nov 17, 2010 12:15
Comment ID Location Comment
syh-1 freeze-transaction-service,
I provided tx rollback/recover examples with --target in
In the admin guide, I see the example without --target.
syh-2 connection validation for recover-transactions I provided examples to enable connection validation w.r.t. different databases.
The recover-transaction failure with incorrect connection validation was originally discussed at
I saw that the admin guide mentioned the need of enabling connection validation, but did not find examples.  Hence,  I recap the examples in
Posted by sherryyhill at Feb 18, 2011 00:57