This page provides a link to the review draft for the GlassFish 3.1 Upgrade Guide.

The Upgrade Guide is attached to this page in PDF format. Edits were made throughout the guide. Change bars are used to make it easier to locate these changes. It is important to note that, while much content remains the same, there are enough potentially problematic areas for users with regards to cluster support that it would be useful for reviewers to look over the entire document.

Please provide your feedback by adding a comment to this page by January 31st at the latest. Please review existing comments before posting to avoid duplicates.

Mandatory reviewers for this document are listed below:

  • Sathyan Catari
  • Bobby Bisset
  • Chris Kasso
  • Alex Pineda
  • Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic
  • Ming Dong
  • Tom Mueller
  • Ludovic Champenois

The PDF of the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Upgrade Guide is available here.

SJSASEEUMG.pdf (application/octet-stream)

pg 11, 1st pp: this paragraph mentions "Oracle GlassFish Server", is that right?

pg 14, 1st pp: typo "doe not support"

pg 18, Changes to asadmin commands: typo: "new Netwoasadmin(1M)"

pg 28, typo: "is tended solely"

pg 44, typo: "doe not support"

pg 45, step 2: should say that this needs to be done on each of the hosts that are supposed to have instances on them

Posted by trmueller at Feb 18, 2011 11:04