Upgrade Documentation Plan for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1

People and Roles

Name Role Location Time Zone Email
Scott Fordin Documentation Feature Owner Burlington, MA, USA US/Eastern sfordin@dev.java.net
Bobby Bissett Project Lead Burlington, MA, USA US/Eastern bissett@dev.java.net
Chris Kasso Software Engineer Menlo Park, CA, US US/Pacific kasso@dev.java.net
Alex Pineda Quality Engineer Santa Clara, CA, US US/Pacific pineda@dev.java.net
Paul Davies Peer Reviewer Santa Clara, CA, USA US/Pacific pauldavies@dev.java.net


This feature is aimed at system administrators and application developers.

Summary of the Feature From a User's Perspective

A tool to assist users in upgrading a domain to be used with a GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1. Upgrades can be performed without the tool as well. Upgrade in general allows users to move their existing domains, including settings, applications, realms, pools, etc., to a newer version of GlassFish without having to manually recreate all of the work.


This feature is available in all GlassFish Server distributions.

Statement of Work

This section describes in detail for each document the work that is required by the introduction of the feature, such as changes, addition of new material, relocation of existing material, and removal of existing material.

Documentation Impact:

  • None
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • New

Note - If a document is task based (as opposed to reference), the changes should be determined from the user task analysis for the feature.

Changes to Books

Release Notes Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
What's New in the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Release?, Support for Upgrading Cluster Configurations Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Add cluster upgrades to feature list

Upgrade Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Writer Reviewers Description of Change
1, GlassFish Server Compatibility Issues Moderate Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Update compatibility issues
Binary Compatible Releases For GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Update compatibility list
Deprecated and Unsupported Options Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Update list; remove --target option
Compatibility Issues, Cluster Scripts Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG
Compatibility Issues, Command Line Interface: hadbm Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG
2, Upgrading an Installation of Application Server or GlassFish Server        
Supported Releases For Upgrade to GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Update migration path list, remove note about clustering support
Upgrade Tool Functionality, Upgrade of Clusters Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG
Upgrading Node Agents Moderate Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG; exclude To Upgrade Remote Node Agents (In-place) task
Correcting Potential Upgrade Problems Moderate Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG
Cluster Profile Security Setting Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG
Cluster Profile Upgrade on Windows Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG
Port Conflicts Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG
Load balancer Plug-in Problems During Side-by-Side Upgrade Minor Scott Bobby, Chris, Alex Adapt from 2.1.1 UG

Review Schedule

The review schedule for the documentation items that are affected by this feature is provided in the following table.

Item Review Start Date Review End Date
Upgrade Guide    
Release Notes    

Reviewers are listed in the Statement of Work.

Related Information

Email aliases:

Comment ID
People and Roles
Change Chris Kasso's location to Santa Clara.
PMD-002 Upgrade Guide Changes,1, GlassFish Server Compatibility Issues Delete the content of the remaining cells in this row (to match what you did in the row for Chapter 2).
PMD-003 Upgrade Guide Changes, Compatibility Issues, Command Line Interface: hadbm As HADB is not supported in this release, either delete this row or change the description the change to reflect that HADB is not supported.
PMD-004 Upgrade Guide Changes, Upgrading Node Agents As node agents are not supported in this release, delete this row. I will follow up with the SSH provisioning team to see if a corresponding section about nodes is required.
PMD-005 Upgrade Guide Changes:
  • Cluster Profile Security Setting
  • Cluster Profile Upgrade on Windows
As domain usage profiles are not supported for this release, provide more detail about the adaptations to these sections that are required.
PMD-006 Online Help Changes
Add information about the changes that are required to the Upgrade Tool online help.
PMD-007 Related Information
Add links to the following documents:
Posted by pauldavies at Jul 29, 2010 10:30
Comment ID Section Comment
CSK-001 Preface glassfish.java.net should be glassfish.java.net
CSK-002 Preface:Related Docs Need to determine if API spec for 3.1 will still be at http://glassfish.java.net/nonav/docs/v3/api/
CSK-003 Preface page 10 Doc links reference sun.com sites.
CSK-004 Page 12 GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 v3.0.1 (remove the 3.1 reference)
CSK-005 App Client Interop Should we indicate where the package-appclient utility is located?
CSK-006 Ch 2 Should this chapter also cover a simple upgrade (from v3 or 3.0.1) where the user upgrades the bits using Update Tool and then restarts the DAS. My understanding is that the DAS will upgrade the config automatically without the need for the user to run the Upgrade Tool. Seems like a simple scenario that is not covered here.
CSK-007 Supported Releases More of an issue for the Upgrade Tool but there is a mismatch between the releases listed in this chapter and the releases listed in the Upgrade Tool. The Upgrade Tool is wrong (I believe).
CSK-008 Pg 29-Migration of Deployed Apps Second paragraph, last sentence - "Setting this property to v2 removes...". What property does "this property" refer to?
CSK-009 Pg 29-Migration of Deployed Apps Last paragraph. Not clear what this means. Does the migrated config overwrite all the config for the existing apps?
CSK-010 Pg 29-Upgrade Tool Func GlassFishEnterprise should be GlassFish Enterprise
CSK-011 Pg 30-Performing an Upgrade The Note on this page (stop source server) differs from a similar note on the prior page which advises to stop source and target servers.
CSK-012 Pg 31 If domain1 already exists on the target when you run asupgrade and if you respond with "n" when asked if you want to rename it what happens? The doc only covers the case where you respond with a "y".
CSK-013 Pg 32 Refers to the "Registration node" but I don't think Registration is a node any more. It appears under Common Tasks.
CSK-014 Pg 32-Node Agents This has all changed now that SSH is used.
CSK-015 Pg 33-Cluster Profile Security Setting "das-and server" should be "das-and-server".
CSK-016 JMS Has this been addressed in the Upgrade Guide: https://github.com/javaee/glassfish/issues/15158
Posted by ckasso at Jan 25, 2011 10:59
RKB-001 General Added my comments in the Oracle review tool, including doc-level comments about including info for https://github.com/javaee/glassfish/issues/15158


RKB-002 Response to CSK-006 When starting from a 3.0.X domain, an upgrade isn't required. The upgrade guide should mention that no special step is necessary: just start the domain and the rest should work. (Added in review tool.)
RKB-003 Response to CSK-007 Chris, can you file an issue on this? It's a simple text change in a props file. I have no clue what the official list is, but will find out.
RKB-004 Response to CSK-012 So Scott doesn't need to go look it up, the tool returns back to the page it was on so the user can either specify a different target dir, quit, or go manually clobber the offending domain before continuing.
Posted by bbissett at Jan 25, 2011 12:09

Note, I haven't done a full review of the upgrade guide, but in reviewing the other documentation I see references to upgrade functionality.  A quick search of the upgrade guide doesn't seem to refer to these upgrade features.

Comment ID
The Re-synchronization section of the High Availability guide covers the export-sync-bundle and import-sync-bundle options, and one of the listed use cases is "to re-establish the instance after upgrade" (page 74).  I do not see any reference to this in the upgrade guide.
There is a "upgrade" option to the start-local-instance command. I do not see this referenced in the upgrade guide.  Resolved in a different thread.
Posted by johnclingan at Feb 04, 2011 11:05