Deliverables for Milestone 3


See Details

Deliverable Use Case Status
Complete support for Cluster Deployment Deployment of converged apps in a cluster, with support for load on start Done
Integration of sip.xml with DOL objects   FF. To be decided
Integration of sun-sip.xml with the SIP Container Configuration data specified in sun-sip.xml would be used to configure the container Done
Refactoring the load on startup for SIP modules SIP modules would use the same mechanism of load on startup as other extension modules( not user visible) . No regression is a measure of success Done
Devtests Devtest for each of the features added WIP. Automation to be completed
Annotation processing for JSR289 defined annotations Users should be able to use all annotations defined in JSR289 spec Done
Refactoring of use of @Resource annotation for SipSessionsUtil and SipFactory objects Users should be able to inject a SipFactory and SipSessionsUtil object in either JavaEE components and/or Sip Servlets FF. Redesign in progress


Deliverable Use Case Status
Callflow support for SIP messages Users would be able to track the SIP calls through the applications and get a report or a log file Done
Monitoring support for SIPServlet Container Dynamic reconfig support for Monitoring Done
AMX support for SIP Servlet Container AMX support for extension-module, sip-service elements WIP
Dynamic reconfiguration support for SIP Servlet Container Complete dynamic reconfig support across cluster and developer profiles for "dynamically reconfigurable" elements in the SIP Servlet Container configuration WIP
Pluggability of domain.dtd Ability to dynamically change the version of the DTD against which the domain.xml would be validated. Will not be done for MS3. Awaiting Architectural review
Admin GUI Support for all features configurable via the admin gui ( includes CLB, monitoring ,deployment, callflow and security) WIP
Devtests Devtest for each of the features added  


Deliverable Use Case Status
Implement RunAs functionality Support for RunAs in sip.xml Done
Support for configuration from domain.xml Security framework can be configured via the admin CLI Done
Support of sun-sip.xml for per application configuration Users can use sun-sip.xml to configure the SIP Application Done
Support for Run-as in SipServlets   Done
Devtests Devtest for each of the features added Done

Converged Load-Balancer

Deliverable Use Case Status
Configuration support for CLB The admin console/CLI should provide commands to configure the CLB and dynamically reconfigure it(without requiring a server restart) Done
Integration of SIP and HTTP CLBs   Not tested


Deliverable Use Case Status
Netbeans module for JSR 289 User should be able to create SIP servlets and deployment descriptors using Netbeans WIP


Deliverable Use Case Status
File based installer for Sailfin Provide a installable bundle for Sailfin with support a GUI/CLI based installer Done
Packaging support Provide zip based packages for Sailfin binaries ( excluding GlassFish v2.1) Done
Support for Add-on installer for Sailfin provide an add-on installer for Sailfin that would allow the users to install the Sailfin bits ontop of an existing versionof GF v2.1 Put on hold. Pending design discussions.

Session Replication

Deliverable Use Case Status

SAF Hooks

Deliverable Use Case Status
addition of jsr77 MBeans for disabled apps   Done

GMS Integration with SIP Container

Deliverable Use Case Status
JoinedAndReadyNotification event   WIP
support for joining multiple clusters in the same vm   Needs to be tested( integrated)
Failure detection hardening for Hw failures through a timeout based approach   Design discussions in progress
Cross subnet support   Feture done. Needs exposure through domain.xml
DistributedStateCache using TCP channels   WIP

Testable Features for MS3