Installation Guide Comments Page

The Installation Guide explains how to install and uninstall the GlassFish software.

The latest review version of this document is available in PDF format. This version applies to GlassFish v3. Comments on this version will be considered for a future update.

The published version of the guide is available in HTML and PDF formats.


Your comments are important. Use this page to identify information that is incorrect and to make suggestions for how the document could be improved.

Please add your comments to the table in the format used below. Review existing comments in the table to see known issues and avoid duplicates.

Comment ID Date Version Section, Page Number/URL Comment Status
Example: jsmith-01 Date comment entered Version (v2 or v3) Detailed pointer to location in the doc Detailed comment (with proposed fix and correct content if applicable) Leave blank – the writer will provide status
Sathyan Catari-01 12/04/09 V3 Document Front page Why not use a generic product name instead of "Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server.." as these instructions apply to all the bundles that use this installer. REJECTED Product docs are for the Sun branded version (and published on a Sun-branded site ). As a service to the community, they are also made available to users of the community version. The same is true for all docs.
Sathyan Catari-02 12/04/09 V3 Page 8, Symbolic convention table. Most of these symbols are not used in this document. Also if this is taken from a product wide table, than that needs correction. OS specific keys are to be mentioned here. For ex. does Ctrl+A+N apply to Mac also? REJECTED The purpose of this table is to explain the difference between + and - in a sequence of key strokes in the documentation. The purpose is not to explain what the effect of Ctrl+A+N might be.
Sathyan Catari-03 12/04/09 V3 Page 9, Table P-4 Why not refer to as-install-parent when describing as-install instead of hard-coding the paths? REJECTED Because throughout the documentation, as-install is used assuming that the domains subdir is included. To change this now would be too disruptive.
Sathyan Catari-04 12/04/09 V3 Page 13, Step 4. Please use a zip file as an example along with unzip command, not a .sh file. RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-05 12/04/09 V3 Page 14, "Using Enterprise Server GUI Installation..." Under the heading, specify console mode is not supported and there is silent mode installation available. Replace "self-extracting file" with "self-extracting installation program". RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-06 12/04/09 V3 Page 15, Step 4 about Windows systems. We should add this note. " If you are installing on a 64 bit Windows OS, please make sure that you run the installer with -j option pointing to a 64 bit JDK." RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-07 12/04/09 V3 Page 16, Step 6. Replace c:\glassfishv3 with "SystemDrive:\glassfishv3". RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-08 12/04/09 V3 Page 16, Step 7. Replace ".... leave Username as it is..." with "... leave Username as "admin".. RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-09 12/04/09 V3 Page 17, Step 11, NOTE: We should advice them explicitly to select "Skip Registration" option during installation. RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-10 12/04/09 V3 Page 17, Step 12. Replace " the.." with "..under the.." RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-11 12/04/09 V3 Page 18,19,20 has duplicate installation instructions as 14,15,16 We should have a single section with instructions and ask the users to refer here. Simultaneously let them know the difference between GUI installation and the Silent installation. UNRESOLVED Enhancement to be considered for a future release. Wasn't time for v3.
Sathyan Catari-12 12/04/09 V3 Page 21, Step 9. Replace " the.." with "..under the.." RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-13 12/04/09 V3 Page 22, Remark 1-10. Answer is "Yes, but remove any entries in the answer file that have the word "ANONYMOUS.." in them. RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-14 12/04/09 V3 Page 23, Remark 1-14 Answer is "It will disrupt the installation program". RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-15 12/04/09 V3 Page 23, question about JDK_TYPED_IN_CHOICE answer is "Yes" RESOLVED
Sathyan Catari-16 12/04/09 V3 Page 24, Step 3. Please remove the "note" as I don't see how it fits here. RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-17 12/04/09 V3 Page 24/25, Installation setup options. I think this should be moved to page 15, where there are instructions on how to launch the installer. UNRESOLVED Enhancement to be considered for a future release. Wasn't time for v3.
Sathyan Catari-18 12/04/09 V3 Page 27, Remark 2-1. Yes, instruct them to just delete the directory. RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-19 12/04/09 V3 Page 27, Before you Begin Please update with instructions on how to stop updatetool. RESOLVED Made this change.
Sathyan Catari-20 12/04/09 V3 Page 27, Step 4. This is an important step, I would like it to be highlighted. Probably a NOTE should do? RESOLVED Made this change.
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