Resolved Comments for the Installation Guide

The following table lists comments that have been resolved for the Installation Guide.

Comments that were raised during the review phase are listed here.

Comment ID Date Section, Page Number/URL Comment Status – (RESOLVED/UNRESOLVED)
Example: jsmith-001 Date comment entered Detailed pointer to location in the doc Detailed comment Leave blank – the writer will provide status
scatari-001 10/08/2008 Preface/Enterprise Server Documentation Set(Pg 9) Description about Book Title "Installation Guide" should include "Uninstallation also". UNRESOLVED – escalated to owner of common Preface content.
scatari-002 10/08/2008 Preface(Pg 11) Shouldn't "Typographic Conventions" appear before "Default Path and File Names"? UNRESOLVED – escalated to owner of common Preface content.
scatari-003 10/08/2008 Preface(Pg 11), Table P-2 Include default domain name "domain1" when explaining domain-dir. UNRESOLVED – escalated to owner of common Preface content.
scatari-004 10/08/2008 Unix: installation instructions. Pg 17 Users should be instructed to set JAVA_HOME environment variable prior to running the installation program. This should be inserted between step 3 and 4. RESOLVED
scatari-005 10/08/2008 Unix: installation instructions. Pg 17 Update tool configuration panel is missing in the instructions. Please use the instructions from windows section. RESOLVED
scatari-006 10/08/2008 Unix: installation instructions. Pg 18 Step 8. Add a note "Username and password values entered are case sensitive". RESOLVED
scatari-007 10/08/2008 Remove duplicate information from Unix and windows The instructions can be merged to save at least 5/6 pages of the guide. The differences are very minimal(1/2) that can be highlighted inline. RESOLVED
scatari-009 10/08/2008 Installing in silent mode, pg 24 Add a note under "Verifying the installation configuration file" "Do not edit the system specific parameters." RESOLVED
scatari-010 10/08/2008 Installing in silent mode, pg 24 We need not specify the number of parameters that could be modified. Just a note that only the following could be modified/configured." RESOLVED
scatari-011 10/08/2008 Installing in silent mode, pg 24 We need not specify the number of parameters that could be modified. Just a note that only the following could be modified/configured." RESOLVED
scatari-012 10/08/2008 Installing in silent mode, pg 24 Typo in Page 24, "Configuratoon" RESOLVED
scatari-013 10/08/2008 Installing in silent mode, pg 25 The command line in step 4). should be ./distribution_filename -a <config-file> -s. RESOLVED
scatari-014 10/08/2008 General/missing. Information about installation and uninstallation log files are missing. RESOLVED
scatari-015 10/08/2008 Uninstall, pg 27 Step 2). the unix command is "sh", and windows command is "./uninstall.exe". RESOLVED
scatari-016 10/08/2008 Uninstall, pg 28 Add a note that "Uninstalling in Silent mode is not supported currently in this release. RESOLVED
tcfujii-001 10/08/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the ZIP File Change all references of to RESOLVED
tcfujii-002 10/08/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the Self-Extracting File, step 4 Change to RESOLVED
tcfujii-003 10/08/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the Self-Extracting File, step 7 user's home directory/glassfish-v3prelude should be user's home directory/glassfishv3-prelude. RESOLVED
tcfujii-004 10/08/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the Windows File, steps 1 and 2 gfv3-v3-prelude-installer.exe needs to be changed to glassfish-v3-prelude-windows.exe. RESOLVED
tcfujii-005 10/08/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the Self-Extracting File, step 5 C:\Program Files\glassfish-v3prelude needs to be changed to C:\Program Files\glassfishv3-prelude. RESOLVED
tcfujii-006 10/10/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the ZIP File, step 1, page 16 _Correction in download directory name which should be

tcfujii-007 10/10/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the Self- Extracting File, step 1, page 17 _Correction in download directory name which should be

tcfujii-008 10/10/2008 To Install Enterprise Server From the Windows File, step 1, page 19 _Correction in download directory name which should be


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