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JTS Messages

Servant is already active.

Servant is not active.


This is an Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error
log message.

Recovery or resync process got interrupted.


See the server log for more details. This is an Unexpected Internal Error.
Please contact Sun with the complete error log message.

Transaction log directory is not accessible.


Make sure that the Transaction log directory (transaction-service.tx-log-dir in server configuration file)
is proper and has the read, write permissions for the user of the
application server.

ORB may not be running.


Make sure that ORB is running. If ORB is running, this is an
Unexpected Internal Error. Please contact Sun with the complete error log message.

Configuration problem while giving the log path.


Check the Transaction log path in server configuration file (transaction-service.tx-log-dir).

XAResource.recover has thrown an exception during recovery.


See the exception Stack trace for more details.

Server could not communicate with the resource manager with in the retry


Make sure that resource manager is up and running or increase the retry
limit (transaction-service.retry-timeout-in-seconds in the server configuration file).

ORB may not be running.


See the server log for more details. This is an Unexpected Internal Error.
Please contact Sun with the complete error log message.

Database driver or Resource Adapter has thrown XAException with the error message The
resource manager is doing work outside a global transaction


Check if the application is using the same XA pool outside the transactional
context as well as in the transactional context. Some drivers do not allow
this scenario. Another scenario to verify is, two separate XA pools pointing to
the same backend with the same credentials and the second connection is
obtained with in the same transaction, without closing the first connection.

Unexpected exception thrown from XAResource.end.


See the server log for more details.

Transaction Log directory path is not valid or proper permissions are not


Make sure that transaction log directory is valid and files in that directory
have read write permissions.

Possible cause is that transaction logs are corrupted.


Please clean up the transaction-service.tx-log-dir/tx/* files and restart the server.

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