Contents Previous Next LAUNCHER Messages ----LAUNCHER001 The laucher wasn't able to execute due to the following Exception. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----LAUNCHER002 The launcher wasn't able to Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----LAUNCHER003 The Launcher encountered a problem with the configuration data from either domain.xml or processLauncher.xml. The launcher could not continue processing the request. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----LAUNCHER004 The log file {0} can't be created and/or written to. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD ----LAUNCHER005 Spaces in your PATH have been detected. The PATH must be consistently formated (e.g. C\: Program Files\\Java jdk1.5.0 bin; ) or the Appserver may not be able to start and/or stop. Mixed quoted spaces in your PATH can cause problems, so the launcher will remove all double quotes before invoking the process. The most reliable solution would be to remove all spaces from your path before starting the Appserver's components. Cause: TBD Solution: TBD Contents Previous Next