FAQ for C-API related issues in Open Message Queue Cannot resolve external resource into attachment.

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Q: When I run my MQ C client, I get an error about incompatible libraries. What do I do ?

The version of the NSPR library linked to by this application is
not compatible with the version supported by the MQ API (NSPR x.x)

A: Your MQ C client program picked up a different version of NSPR/NSS libraries which was not compatible with the version that the MQ C-API supported. Please make sure MQ C-API library path is included in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix systems or PATH on Windows (please also read Providing Runtime Support in MQ C-API Developer's Guide).

On Solaris, Linux and AIX, you can run ldd on your program in the same environment that your program would run to see where the NSPR/NSS libraries (e.g. libnspr.so, libnss3.so) get picked up. On Windows, you can use depends.exe (with view full path) that comes with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Tools or other similar Windows tool.