Open Message Queue and Glassfish Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. Cannot resolve external resource into attachment.If you are interested in contributing to this FAQ, please read the Contribution Guidelines. Back to main Open MQ FAQ page This page contains some handy information related to the use of Glassfish Message Queue (Open Message Queue) with Glassfish. This is not formally part of the product documentation and is intended to supplement, not replace it. How do I enable JMSRA (the OpenMQ resource adapter) logging in Glassfish?JMSRA uses standard Java logging. The following loggers are used (this is not a complete list):
How to configure these loggers in Glassfish 2.x.Edit domain.xml locate the <module-log-levels element and add new <property> elements under it as shown in the following example: <module-log-levels admin="INFO" ....."> <property name="javax.resourceadapter.jmsra" value="FINE"/> <property name="javax.jms.Connection.mqjmsra" value="FINE"/> </module-log-levels> These properties can also be defined using the administration console. How to configure these loggers in Glassfish 3.xEdit (in the same directory as domain.xml) and add/modify entries of the following form. Note the use of .level: javax.resourceadapter.jmsra.level=FINE javax.jms.Connection.mqjmsra.level=FINE |