(Pl do not edit this page. Feel free to comment in the discussions page.) --BJB 20051217 : Ok, but please do bring the target site back... at this time it it throws a 502 error ! So, until it is fixed, I will push the discussion on features bellow ... List of Features proposed for v2 Priority P1=release driver, P2=will be done, P3= optional EE Features listed in v1
- LB Administration (p2)
- HADB Administration (available in JES Bundle only) (p2)
- Forward Port 8.2 EE bug fixes
New Features
- JSR 196 implementation (p2)
- JBI (JSR 208) Implementation
- WSIT (Web Services Interop Tech) (p2)
- Clustering in GlassFish (load balancer, clustering, Session Persistence, clustering admin...) (p1)
- ECC support (p2)
- Bundle JBI in GF(P2)
- Certificate Management (p2)
- Network installer/Updater
- Profiles
Ongoing Improvements
- Performance Improvements (p1)
- Startup/deployment improvements
- Better Error Messages and Diagnosability (p1)
- Self Management Rule Templates (p2)
- Service Engine improvements (p2)
Internal Enablers:
- New Webservices stack integration (p1)
- Grizzly v2 (p2)
Possible Spec Revisions:
- JSR196
- JSR 208 (JBI)
- JSF 1.2 MR
- Servlet MR
- JAX-WS 2.0 MR
- JSR 109 MR
- EJB3 MR?
---------- Discussion of V2 features :
- Co-hosting : V2 will miss this key feature. PHP is #1 on the website because ISP can setup mass hosting for little cost. Java EE has high cost for setup, because no appserver propose simple co-hosting. To get co-hosting, we need to be able to setup "acounts" and define quota (disk, memory, cpu) on top of a cluster.
GFv2 Feature Discussions ----------- List of all Features or RFEs or Enhancements