This document provides a list of test cases that will be executed manually to test Netbeans6.8 plugin with GlassFish V3 Preview and other GlassFish Servers.
Server Registration and Configuration (4 New Test cases)
Test Case ID |
Test Case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Check the default Application server instance and its default properties |
1.Start NB IDE, Close the "Started Up" page > Go to Windows > Click Services > Click Servers to expand the Server Registry instances nodes 2. Click on the Services node representing the default server GlassFish V3. |
The default GlassFish V3 server node should present. |
2 |
Remove default GlassFish V3 instance |
1. Perform 'Remove' action on the default GlassFish V3 appserver installation node |
The GlassFish V3 node should disappear. |
3 |
Add the default Application server installation back |
1.Perform 'Add Server...' action on Server registry node. 2. In the "Choose server" dialog window select server "GlassFish V3 and click NEXT. 3. In the next dialog window provide the App server's installation Location,Click on FINISH. |
New sub node "GlassFish V3" should appear under the Server node. |
4 |
Verify View License Agreement |
1.Start NetBeans IDE,Select IDE menu Server. 2.Select GlassFish V3 as a server, select NEXT. 3.Click on the link "I have read and accept the license agreement...(Click). |
It should open license agrement in the browser. |
5 |
Verify Download V3 Now |
1.Start NetBeans IDE,Select IDE menu Server. 2.Select GlassFish V3 as a server, select NEXT. 3.Provide server location to downloaded. 4.Check the license agreement and click on the "Download V3 Now". |
GlassFish V3 should be downloded in the given server location. |
6 |
Verify Download V3 with domain2 |
1.Start NetBeans IDE,Select IDE menu Server. 2.Select GlassFish V3 as a server, select NEXT. 3.Provide server location to downloaded. 4.Check the license agreement and click on the "Download V3 Now". 5. enter domain2 as local registered server |
1. GlassFish V3 should be downloaded in the given server location. 2. Start the server and verify if the servers started OK (bug 171365) |
7 |
Verify Download V3 with invalid path |
1.Start NetBeans IDE,Select IDE menu Server. 2.Select GlassFish V3 as a server, select NEXT. 3.Provide server invalid server location to downloaded (eg, ????123#). 4.Check the license agreement and click on the "Download V3 Now". |
It should show "Path does not exits and can not be created". |
8 |
Verify remove server location |
1.Start IDE and right click on the server node select "Add Server...",Select GlassFish V3 and provide the platform location for GlassFish V3 server. 2.Remove platform location of GlassFish V3 server in the dialog window "Platform location folder". 3.Provide the same server location again for GlassFish V3. |
Should not be any exception. |
9 |
Verify Register default domain |
1.Start IDE and right click on the server node select GlassFish V3. 2.Provide platform location for GlassFish V3 server. 3.Click FINISH in the "Domain Location" wizard. |
Registered GlassFish V3 with default domain should appear under server node. |
10 |
Verify Register default domain with I.P Address |
1.Start IDE and right click on the server node select GlassFish V3. 2.Provide platform location for GlassFish V3 server. 3.Enter and machine IP address for the Host name. 4. Click FINISH in the "Domain Location" wizard. |
Registered GlassFish V3 with default domain should appear under server node. |
11 |
Add a multiple Application server instance |
1. Perform 'Add Server...' action on Server registry node. 2. In the opened dialog choose server "GlassFish V3. and click "Next". 3. In the next dialog window give the Appserver's Location. 4. Click "Finish". |
A new sub node representing newly added Application server (GlassFish V3 1 ) should appear under the Server nod. |
Resolve Missing Server Problem
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify Resolve missing server problem |
1. Register GlassFish V3 server. 2. Create a simple web application(Hello World)-Set target server:GlassFish V3 and Java EE version:JAVA EE5. 3. Right click on the GlassFish V3 server and select remove. 4. Right click on the server select Add Server>GlassFish V3 and select Next. 5.Provide V3 installation location in the server location wizard and select next. 6.Provide domain location to create a new domain and click on finish. 7.Right click on the application select resolve missing server problem. |
Should not be any exception. |
i.Test Adding server through the server manager
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Add Application server |
1. Select IDE menu Tools/Server Manager. 2.Click on Add Server. 3. In the "Choose server" dialog window select server "GlassFish V3 and click NEXT. 3. In the next dialog window provide the App server's installation Location,Click on FINISH. |
A New sub node "GlassFish V3" should appear under the Server node. |
2 |
Remove Application server |
1. Open Tools/Server Manager. 2. Select GlassFish V3 application Server and click on Remove. |
The server name should disappear from server node list. |
3 |
Add multiple server instances |
1. Select IDE menu Tools/Server Manager. 2.Click on Add Server. 3. In the "Choose server" dialog window select server "GlassFish V3 and click NEXT. 3. In the next dialog window provide the App server's installation Location,Click on FINISH. |
A New sub node "GlassFish V3" should appear under the Server node. |
ii.Test Application server Instances
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify server instance 'Start' |
1.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 2.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1. GlassFish V3 server should be successfully started. 2.Check the IDE server messages in a output window. 3.Verify instance node can be expandable 4.Check it should contain Application and Resource node. 5.Check Resource node can be expandable. |
2 |
Verify server instance 'Restart' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Select 'Start'action on the server. 3.Select 'Restart' action on the server. 3.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.GlassFish v3 server should be restarted successfully. 2.Check the IDE server out put. 3.Verify instance node can be expandable 4.Check it should contain Application and Resource node. 5.Check Resource node can be expandable. |
3 |
Verify Server instance 'Refresh' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Select 'Start' action on the server. 3.Select 'Refresh' action on the server. 3.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.Server should not be stopped. 2.GlassFish v3 server should refresh. 3.Verify instance node can be expandable 4.Check it should contain Application and Resource node. 5.Check Resource node can be expandable. |
4 |
Verify server instance 'Start In Debug Mode' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform "Start in Debug Mode" action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.GlassFish V3 server should be started successfully in debug mode. 2.Check the IDE server out put. 3.Verify instance node can be expandable 4.Check it should contain Application and Resource node. 5.Check Resource node can be expandable. |
5 |
Verify server instance 'Start in Profile Mode' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform "Start in Profile Mode" action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Select 'OK' in the information dialog window. 4.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.GlassFish V3 server should be started successfully in Profile mode. 2.Check the IDE server out put. 3.Resources node can not be expandable. |
6 |
Verify 'Refresh' when server in Profile mode |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform "Start in Profile Mode" action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Select 'OK' in the information dialog window. 4.Perform 'Refresh' action on the server node. 4.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.GlassFish V3 server should be refreshed successfully. 2.Verify instance node can be expandable 3.Check it should contain Application and Resource node. 4.Resources node can not be expandable. |
7 |
Verify 'Restart' when server in Profile mode. |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform "Start in Profile Mode" action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Select 'OK' in the information dialog window. 4.Perform 'Restart' action on the server node. 4.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.GlassFish V3 server should be restarted successfully. 2.Verify instance node can be expandable 3.Check it should contain Application and Resource node. 4.Resources node can not be expandable. |
8 |
Verify server instance 'View Admin Console' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Perform ' View Admin Console ' action on the server 4.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1. GlassFish V3 server should be successfully started . 2.Browser should open with the following address http://hostname:8080/admin |
9 |
Verify server instance ' View Update Center ' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the server 3.Perform 'View Update center' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Click on 'OK' in the question dialog window. 4.Clean up:Stop and Remove the server. |
1. GlassFish V3 server should be successfully started . 2.It should install update center successfully. |
10 |
Verify server instance ' View Update Center' after installation |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the server 3.Perform 'View Update center' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Clean Up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.It should open 'Update Center' wizard. |
11 |
Verify 'Properties ' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Select 'Properties' action on the server. 3.Clean Up:Remove server. |
Properties dialog window should open. |
12 |
Verify 'View Server log' server instance. |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Perform 'View Server log' action the server. |
It should show the IDE server log window. |
13 |
Verify server instance 'Stop' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Perform 'Stop' action the server. 4.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1. GlassFish V3 server should be successfully started and stopped successfully. |
iii.Test Create DOMAIN
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify create domain |
1.Perform 'Add Server...' action on Server node. 2. In the "Choose server" dialog window select server "GlassFish V3 and click NEXT. 3. In the next dialog window provide the App server's installation Location,Click on NEXT. 4.Provide Domain to be created in the domain text field. 5.Click on FINISH. |
1.Domain should be created in the given location with given name. |
2 |
verify Create domain with empty domain field. |
1.Perform 'Add Server...' action on Server node. 2. In the "Choose server" dialog window select server "GlassFish V3 and click NEXT. 3. In the next dialog window provide the App server's installation Location,Click on NEXT. 4.Make Domain field as empty. 5.Click on FINISH. |
It should show message to user that " The domain name can not be blank". |
3 |
Verify server instances of created domain |
1.Follow steps as given for test "Test Application server Instances " |
Results expected as for test " Verify Application server Instances". |
iv.Test Start/Restart/Refresh/Stop for multiple servers. SETUP:Create four domain.
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify ' Start ' server instance |
1.Register GlassFish v3 server with each domain(Domain2,Domain3, Domain4, Domain5). 2.Perform 'Start' action on the each server. |
1.All the four servers should be started successfully. 2.Check IDE server messages in the output window for all four server. 3.Verify instance node can be expandable for all four servers 4.Check all the four servers should contain Application and Resource node. 5.Check Resource node can be expandable for all the four servers. |
2 |
Verify ' Restart ' server instance |
1.Register GlassFish v3 server with each domain(Domain2,Domain3, Domain4, Domain5). 2.Perform 'Start' action on the each server. 3.Perform ' Restart ' action on all the four servers. |
1.All the four servers should be started and restarted successfully. 2.Check IDE server messages in the output window for all four server. 3.Verify instance node can be expandable for all four servers 4.Check all the four servers should contain Application and Resource node. 5.Check Resource node can be expandable for all the four servers. |
3 |
verify 'Refresh ' server instance |
1.Perform ' Refresh 'action on all four servers. |
1.Any server should not be stopped. 2.Verify instance node can be expandable for all four servers 3.Check all the four servers should contain Application and Resource node. 4.Check Resource node can be expandable for all four servers. |
4 |
Verify ' Stop ' server instance |
1.Perform ' Stop ' action on all four servers. |
1.All four the servers should be stopped successfully. 2.Check IDE server log out put message. |
v.Test Deployment,UnDeployment,OpenInBrowser and Samples
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify Deploy application |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Open a sample web application: Select File>NewProject>Samples>JavaWeb>JSTLExamples. 4.Right click on the sample application, select target Clean&Build, Undepoy&Deploy and Run 5.Clean up:Undeploy the application,Stop and remove the server. |
1.The sample application should be deployed successfully. 2.Deployed application should appear under application node:select Servers>GlassFish V3>Applications. 3.Browser should show out put for the deployed application. |
2 |
Verify Undeploy application |
1.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 2.Open a sample web application: Select File>NewProject>Samples>JavaWeb>JSTLExamples. 3.Right click on the sample application, select target Clean&Build, Undepoy&Deploy and Run 4.Undeploy the sample application:Right click on the deployed application and select UNDEPLOY:Select servers>GF V3>Application. 5.Clean up:Stop and remove the server. |
1.The sample application should be Undeployed successfully. 2.Undeployed application should not appear under application node:select Servers>GlassFish V3>Applications. |
3 |
Verify 'OpenInBrowser' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Open a sample web application: Select File>NewProject>Samples>JavaWeb>JSTLExamples. 4.Right click on the sample application, select target Clean&Build and Undepoy&Deploy. 5.Right click on the deployed application select 'OpenInBrowser':Select Servers>GlassFish V3>Applications. 6.Clean up:Undeploy the application,Stop and remove the server. |
Action on 'OpenInBrowser' should bring a browser with out put. |
Do 'OpenInBrowser' for all the sample web, Java Web(Visual JSF) and webServices sample applications. Project Run Properties and Samples SETUP:Need to register two GlassFish V3 server and two simple web application.
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify Change in context Path |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Open a sample web application: Select File>NewProject>Samples>JavaWeb>JSTLExamples. 4.Change context path:Right click on the application select Properties/Run. 5.Right click on the sample application, select target Clean&Build, Undepoy&Deploy and Run 5.Clean up:Undeploy the application,Stop and remove the server. |
1.The sample application should be deployed successfully. 2.Deployed application should appear under application node:select Servers>GlassFish V3>Applications. 3.Browser should show out put for the deployed application with the specified contextpath. |
2 |
Verify change in context path with 'OpenInBrowser' |
1.Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on the GlassFish V3 server instance node. 3.Open a sample web application: Select File>NewProject>Samples>JavaWeb>JSTLExamples. 4.Change context path:Right click on the application select Properties/Run. 5.Right click on the sample application, select target Clean&Build, Undepoy&Deploy. 6.Right click on the deployed application select'OpenInBrowser'. 5.Clean up:Undeploy the application,Stop and remove the server. |
1.The sample application should be deployed successfully. 2.Deployed application should appear under application node:select Servers>GlassFish V3>Applications. 3.Browser should show out put for the deployed application with the specified contextpath on selecting 'OpenInBrowser' action. |
3 |
Verify change target server. |
1.Register two GlassFish V3 server. 2.Perform 'Start' action on both GlassFiah server. 3.Open two sample web application:Select File>NewProject>Samples>web>JSTLExamples,JSPExamples. 4.Change the target server in the run properties of the web application if it is set to another GlassFish V3 server. 5.Right click on the application select target Clean&Build, Undeploy&Deploy and Run. |
Application should be deployed on selected server. |
Do change context path for all the sample web, Java Web(Visual JSF) and webServices sample applications. Resources and Configuration JDBC Resource Configuration: i.Test Use Existing JDBC ConnectionPool:
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify JNDI Name |
1.Start NetBeans IDE and Register GlassFish V3 server and start. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World):Select File>NewProject>Java Web>WebApplication,Set target server-GF V3 and Java EE-Java EE5. 3.Right click on the web application select New>Other>GlassFish>JDBC Resource>Use ExistingConnectionPool. 4.Set JNDI Name:jdbc/myDatasource_New 5.Select BACK>NEXT. 6.Clean up: Stop/Remove server. |
Given JNDI Name should be saved even on selecting BACK>NEXT. |
2 |
Verify JNDI Name with suffixing special charactors |
1.Start NetBeans IDE and Register GlassFish V3 server and start. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World):Select File>NewProject>Java Web>WebApplication,Set target server-GF V3 and Java EE-Java EE5. 3.Right click on the web application select New>Other>GlassFish>JDBC Resource. 4.Select NEXT. 5.Don't select any connection pool(Use existing connection pool or create New). 5.Suffix special charactors to the JNDI Name:JNDI Name:jdbc/myDatasource*(<,>,?) |
Still wizard should show error message. |
3 |
Verify Existing JDBC ConnectionPool Drop-Down list when server is running |
1.Start NetBeans IDE and Register GlassFish V3 server and start. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World):Select File>NewProject>Java Web>WebApplication,Set target server-GF V3 and Java EE-Java EE5. 3.Right click on the web application select New>Other>GlassFish>Use Existing JDBC Connection Pool. 4.Clean up:Stop/Remove server. |
The Drop-Down list should list out the available connection pool. |
4 |
Verify Existing JDBC ConnectionPool Drop-Down list when server is not running |
1.Start NetBeans IDE and Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World):Select File>NewProject>Java Web>WebApplication,Set target server-GF V3 and Java EE-Java EE5. 3.Right click on the web application select New>Other>GlassFish>Use Existing JDBC Connection Pool. |
The Drop-Down list should not list out the available connection pool. |
5 |
Verify Use existing JDBC connectionPool |
1.Start NetBeans IDE and Register GlassFish V3 server and start. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World):Select File>NewProject>Java Web>WebApplication,Set target server-GF V3 and Java EE-Java EE5. 3.Right click on the web application select New>Other>GlassFish>JDBC Resource>Use ExistingConnectionPool. 4.Select Derby Pool from the drop-down list. 5.Set General attributes for JDBC Resource: JNDI Name:jdbc/myDataResource_1234 Object type:The type of the object Enabled:Set to true to enable the resource, or false to disable the resource Description:Description of the resource. 6.Additional Properties: i.Click Add to add two row for the new property to the table with same name and different value. ii.In the Properties table, enter the same Name and different Value of the new property. iii.Click Enter to save the changes to the property table. |
Check created resource in the sun-resource.xml file. 2.Verify information dialog window Duplicate Property: Property Name should be Unique. When you type same Name. |
6 |
Verify Use existing JDBC connectionPool with different JDBC ConnectionPool(Sample Pool) |
1.Follow above steps as in the test case3 to create second JDBC connection Pool(DerbyPool) |
Results expected as in the test case3. |
7 |
Verify Deployed resoure |
1.Steps1-6 same as test case5. 2.Right click on the application select Clean and Build/Undeploy&Deploy/Run. |
1.Application should be deployed successfully. 2.Deployed resource should appear under Resources node. |
8 |
Verify Delete deployed resource |
1.Steps1-6 same as test case5. 2.Right click on the application select Clean and Build/Undeploy&Deploy/Run. 3.Go to deployed resource, Right click on it and select Unregister. 4.Clean up: Undeploy the application,Stop/Remove server. |
Undeployed resource should not appear under resources node. |
ii.Test Create New JDBC Connection Pool:
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify JNDI Name |
1.Start NetBeans IDE and Register GlassFish V3 server. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World):Select File>NewProject>Java Web>WebApplication,Set target server-GF V3 and Java EE-Java EE5. 3.Right click on the web application select New>Other>GlassFish>JDBC Resource>Create New JDBC ConnectionPool. 4.Set JNDI Name:jdbc/myDatasource_New 5.Select BACK>NEXT. |
Given JNDI Name should be saved even on selecting BACK>NEXT. |
2 |
Verify Create New JDBC connectionPool |
1.Start NBIDE and Register GFV3 server. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World):Select File>NewProject>Java Web>WebApplication,Set target server-GF V3 and Java EE-Java EE5. 3.Right click on the web application select New>Other>GlassFish>JDBC Resource>Create New ConnectionPool. 4.Set*General attributes for JDBC Resource:* JNDI Name:jdbc/myDataResource_1234 Object type:The type of the object Enabled:Set to true to enable the resource, or false to disable. Description:Description of the resource. 5.Additional Properties: i.Click Add to add two row for the new property to the table with same name and different value. ii.In the Properties table, enter the same Name and different Value of the new property. iii.Click Enter to save the changes to the property table. 6.Choose DataBase Connection: i.Set JDBC Connection Pool name:connectionpool_1. ii.Select Extract from Existing Connection pool(derby/sample,derby/travel, derby/vir). 7.Add Connection Pool Properties: Leave the default value,and select Next. 9.Specify Optional Properties For Connection Pool: i.Leave the default values and select Finish. |
1.Check created resource in the sun-resource.xml file. 2.Verify information dialog window Duplicate Property: Property Name should be Unique. When you type same Name. |
3 |
Verify Create New JDBC connectionPool with different JDBC ConnectionPool(Travel ,vir) |
1.Follow above steps as in the test case3 to create second JDBC connection Pool(DerbyPool) |
Results expected as in the test case3. |
4 |
Verify Deployed resource |
1.Steps1-9 same as test case5. 2.Right click on the application select Clean and Build/Undeploy&Deploy/Run. |
1.Application should be deployed successfully. 2.Deployed resource should appear under Resources node. |
5 |
Verify Delete deployed resource |
1.Steps1-9 same as test case2. 2.Right click on the application select Clean and Build/Undeploy&Deploy/Run. 3.Go to deployed resource, Right click on it and select Unregister. 4.Clean up: Undeploy the application,Stop/Remove server. |
Deleted resource should not appear under resources node. |
Test Use DataBase Context Action
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Verify Use Database |
1.Start NetBeans IDE,register GlassFishV3 and start. 2.Create a simple web application(Hello World). 3.Create a Servlet in the web application. 4.Right click in the Servlet code and select Inert Code/Use Database. 5.Set Reference by clicking Add button. 6.Select Server Data Sources(jdbc/_Default or jdbs/sample). 7.check the copy selected data resource to project and click OK. 8.Select General Inline Look up code and select OK. 9.Right click on the web application select Build/Undeploy and deploy/Run. 10. Clean up: Undeploy the application,Stop/Remove server. |
1.@ Resource and Data resource name should be generated in the Servlet code. 2.Resource should be deployed under node Server/GlassFish v2/Resource/ JDBC. |
New Test Cases for Window Vista & 7
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Default Installation |
1.Download the 6.8 Trunk build. 2.Select to install NB6.8, Glassfish V2 and Glassfish V3. 3.Select everything by default. 4.Extend Servers node > select Glassfish V3 to start the server |
1. Verify if Glassfish V3 Server started correctly (check server.log file) 2.There currently a bug that prevent GF V3 server started correctly |
2 |
Default Installation but with User Account Control turn OFF |
1.Download the 6.8 Trunk build. 2.Select to install NB6.8, Glassfish V2 and Glassfish V3. 3.Select everything by default. 4.Extend Servers node > select Glassfish V3 to start the server |
1. Verify if Glassfish V3 Server started correctly (check server.log file) |
3 |
Default Installation for NB only |
1.Download the 6.8 Trunk build. 2.Select to install NB6.8, Glassfish V2 and Glassfish V3. 3.Select default directory for NB6.8, Glassfish V2 but Glassfish installed to "c:\sun\Glassfish-V3". 4.Extend Servers node > select Glassfish V3 to start the server |
1. Verify if Glassfish V3 Server started correctly (check server.log file) 2.There currently a bug that prevent GF V3 server started correctly |
4 |
Install NB as multiple Users |
1.Login Vista as Administrator > create User 1. 2.Re-login Vista as User 1 > install NB 6.8 Trunk EE build to User 1 directory for NB, GF V2 & V3. 3.Re-login Vista as Administrator User. 4.Start Netbean IDE from the desktop icon. 5.Right-click at the Servers>Glassfish V3 node, select Start menu |
1. Verify if Glassfish V3 Server started correctly (check server.log file) 2.There is currently a bug 143556 |
5 |
Deploy an Application on Vista with different users |
1.Login Vista as Administrator > create User 1. 2.Relogin Vista as User 1 > install NB 6.8 Trunk EE build to User 1 directory for NB IDE, GF V2 & V3. 3.Relogin Vista as Administrator User. 4.Create ServletExample project. 5.Select to Deploy to Glassfish V2 server |
1. Verify if the Servlet Application was deployed and executed successfully (check server.log file) |
New Test Cases for applications which run on Multiple Servers
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Create an web application and let it run on multiple domain/servers |
1.Install latest build. 2.Select to download a new V3 server and create domain2. 3.Create a web app -> select download domain2 as server runtime. 4.Add a jdbc resource and a servlet to the app -> deploy the app. 5.Stop domain2. 6. Change the app server runtime to default GlassFish V3 domain. 7. Redeploy the app |
1. Verify if teh application was successfully deployed to both the servers (check server.log file) 2.Redeploy the app on a remote server. |
New Test Cases for sun-xml dtds file*
Test Case ID |
Test case Purpose |
Test Case Description |
Expected Result |
1 |
Create an web application and verify the sun-web-app_3_0-0.dtd file |
1.Install latest build. 2.Create a web app. 3.Add a new GlassFish Deployment Descriptor to the app. 4.Open the sun-web.xml file. 5. Try to edit the file. |
1. Verify if the DOCTYPE points to the latest sun-web-app_3_0-0.dtd file. 2.You should be able to edit the file both from using xml and text editors |
2 |
Create an EJb Module application and verify sun-ejb-jar_3_0-1.dtd file |
1.Install latest build. 2.Create a EJB Module app. 3.Add a new GlassFish Deployment Descriptor to the app. 4.Open the sun-ejb-jar.xml file. 5. Try to edit the file. |
1. Verify if the DOCTYPE points to the latest sun-ejb-jar_3_0-1.dtd file. 2.You should be able to edit the file both from using xml and the text editors |
3 |
Create an Enterprise Application Client and verify sun-application-client_5_0-0.dtd file |
1.Install latest build. 2.Create an Enterprise Application Client. 3.Add a new GlassFish Deployment Descriptor to the app. 4.Open the sun-application-client.xml file. 5. Try to edit the file. |
1. Verify if the DOCTYPE points to the latest sun-application-client_5_0-0.dtd file. 2.You should be able to edit the file both from using xml and the text editors |
4 |
Create an Enterprise Application project and verify sun-application_6_0-0.dtd file |
1.Install latest build. 2.Create an Enterprise Application. 3.Add a new GlassFish Deployment Descriptor to the app. 4.Open the sun-application.xml file. 5. Try to edit the file. |
1. Verify if the DOCTYPE points to the latest sun-application_6_0-0.dtd file. 2.You should be able to edit the file both from using xml and the text editors |
5 |
verify "!DOCTYPE sun-application PUBLIC" text string for all 4 sun*-xml files |
1.Open each of the sun*-xml files from the 4 test cases above |
1. Verify if each of the DOCTYPE text string contains the correct information of the dtd release and Application Server release. |
New Test Cases for Java EE APIs code completion and JavaDoc
1 |
Create a web application and verify for Servlet/JSP APIs |
1.Install latest build. 2.Create a web app. 3.Add a new Servlet. 4.Open the Servlet file. 5. Add any Servlet methods (HttpSession, HttpRequest,...). |
1. Verify for code completion for each of the Servlet Classes methods. 2.Verify if each of the method has the JavaDoc |
2 |
Create an EJB application and verify for EJBs APIs |
1.Install latest build. 2.Create a EJB Module app. 3.Add a new Session Bean. 4.Open the Session Bean file. 5. Add any EJB methods for(Stateless, LocalBean,... Classes. |
1. Verify for code completion and JavaDoc each of the method |
_New Test Cases for Java Derby and MySQL Database
1 |
Start the Netbean IDE and verify if default database started |
1.Install latest build. 2.Start the GlassFish v3 Server with option "Start Derby Database" checked). |
1. Verify if Derby Database started along with GlassFish v3 server |
2 |
Repeat the test case above but without option "Start Derby Database" checked |
1.Install latest build. 2.Start the GlassFish v3 Server with option "Start Derby Database" un-checked). |
1. Verify if Derby Database does not start |
__Additional Test Cases for Update Tool
1 |
Verify if the Update Tool dialog can be started from the Servers node |
1.Start the GlassFish v3 Server. 2. Right-click GlassFish v3 Domain node. |
Verify if you can invoke the Update Tool by selecting the "View Update Center" menu from the GlassFish v3 Domain node |
2 |
Verify each listing sub-components on the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 node |
1.Expand the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 node. 2.Click Available Add-ons node. 3.Click Available Updates. 4.Click Installed Components |
Verify if Available and installed components listed correctly. |
3 |
Install Full SDK samples package and verified the installation |
1Select the Java EE Sample Application Full Profile and Java EE 6 SDK Full Profiles packages. 2.Click to install marked components. 3.Agree on the licenses to install. 4.Click Installed Components node |
Verify if the Java EE Sample Application Full Profile and Java EE 6 SDK Full Profiles packages appear in the list |