

Getting Started

The GF/NB integration plugin is in the NetBeans source repo and is tightly bound to the NB project release schedule and practices.

The plugin is broken up into a number of NBM projects:

  • glassfish.common - This module holds some common code and has the registration wizard, the IDE to server communication, UI for the server node that is not java ee related
  • glassfish.eecommon - this module contains code that is shared between the plugin for GF 3 servers and the older plugin for GF 2, GF and SJSAS
  • glassfish.javaee - the Java EE related features of the GF/NB integration.
  • j2ee.sun.dd - the sun/glassfish deployment descriptor parsing code
  • j2ee.sun.ddui - the sun/glassfish deployment descriptor editors
  • j2ee.sun.appsrv - a common code module for the older plugin
  • j2ee.sun.appsrv81 - the GF2, GF 1 and SJSAS plugin.  This plugin is available on the update center.

All the sources are in the 'main' area of the NB repo.  We are considered to be part of the Web and Java EE team, so we checkin (hg push) to the repo http://hg.netbeans.org/web-main.

  the law about checking code into the NB repos 

  a developer focused guide to using hg

The NB team maintains a number of repos and uses hudson jobs to verify the sanity of a repo and promote its content into a repo that is used as the source of the nightly build.

The web-main repo is checked by http://bertram-tst.netbeans.org:8080/job/web-main/ and http://bertram-tst.netbeans.org:8080/job/javaee. Breaking either of these builds prevents the changes from moving up to the nightly build.

There are a few important links that are worth looking at as you get up-to-speed on NB and GF...

This page has details about the server integration with NetBeans

Published APIs

The plugin publishes some APIS. They are defined in the j2ee.sun.appsrv project in the hg repository.

All the apis are friends....

Changes to these APIs need to get published to these "external" teams...

  • o.n.m.compapp.manager.jbi: soabi-caps-common-jbi inside smi... compapp-iteam inside smi...
  • o.n.m.identity.server.manager:
  • o.n.m.j2ee.sun.avk:
  • o.n.m.j2ee.sun.ws7:
  • o.n.m.portalpack.servers.base_psframework: dev portalpack.netbeans.org
  • o.n.m.portalpack.servers.opensourcepc: dev portalpack.netbeans.org

Automated testing

The plugin has a number of automated tests. The instructions on how to build and execute the them.

Project/Release Pages

GlassFish Integration in NB 6.5

GlassFish Integration in NB 6.7

GlassFish Integration in NB 6.8

GlassFish Server 3.1 Integration for NetBeans

GlassFish Server 3.1 Integration for NetBeans 7.1

GlassFish Server 4.0 integration for NetBeans

Some status queries

Teams issue list

Issue that we are working on for 6.5

Issues closed in 6.5