V3: Admin Console Improvements

This document is part of V3AdministrationImprovements.

This is what we'd like to see in admin console.


Feature-ID Requirement Priority Comments Issue Link Eng Response
AdminConsole-000 Removed - - - N/A
AdminConsole-001 Removed - - - N/A
AdminConsole-002 Provide an interface to manage certificate database. P3 (Community request ). Refer to Sun Web Server certificate management interface as an example.   No
AdminConsole-003 Removed - - - N/A
AdminConsole-004 Removed - - - N/A
AdminConsole-005 Provide a Yahoo! Pipes like interface for definition of clusters, for example. P3 Quickly and easily build a cluster.   No. Stretch goal.
AdminConsole-006 Provide a way to customize the UI itself, e.g. themes, skins etc. P1 Enable an OEM to customize the interface (CLI & console) to align with their brand. This is also required for GEN-012 4182 Yes.
AdminConsole-007 Provide a link to file a bug/enhancement on the product. P2 That's a nice way of getting user feedback and encourage participation. 4303 Yes. Will add a link in the common tasks page.
AdminConsole-008 Provide a 'dashboard' view of application clusters and/or instances. P3 With one quick view an administrator should be able to see the status of an installation. 4304 Yes.
AdminConsole-009 Provide ability to view access logs similar to server.log. P2 Ease-of-Use and diagnosability feature. (Community Request )   No.
AdminConsole-010 Provide ability to clone a resource P3 (Community Request )   No.
AdminConsole-011 Moved to CoreInfra-011 - - - N/A
AdminConsole-012 Administration console should be extensible P1 Enable other open source projects to "plug in" to the application server. Example: Spring/Struts configuration GUI. (Community request ). This also applies to the Admin CLI. Also requested by Open ESB and SailFin community. 4181 Yes.
AdminConsole-013 Personalization. Augment the "common tasks" screen to enable end users to create tasks that align with their internal processes P3 Ease-of-use improvement. The goal is to enable a low-barrier-to-entry API for community members to create their customized tasks that can shared with the community. Also useful for IT departments to customize tasks for specific roles. Allow User to customize console, eg hide/show functionality.   Stretch goal.
AdminConsole-014 Support in the GUI for configuring common load balancing solutions on the market, e.g. mod_jk P3 (Community Request )   No.
AdminConsole-015 Placement of a configurable (with default) "stand by" message when an application is down for maintenance or is in the process of being re-deployed P2 Community request (here ) (here ). Simplifies deployments, positive end-user experience 4305 Partial. Web container team needs to look at this.
AdminConsole-016 Live update of monitoring statistics from within admin UI P3 (Community Request ). This is already provided by many 3rd party monitoring solutions, so a high-value solution already exists. 4308 Yes.
AdminConsole-017 An administrator cannot overwrite modifications created by another administrator while making simultaneous modifications to DAS settings P1 Given the support for more manageable instances/artifacts, there is an increasing chance more than one administrator will be logged in to the DAS making modifications at any point in time. Some form of locking mechanism must be in place to prevent conflict. 4313 Yes. Configuration has transactional semantics. Will throw exception when there is a conflict at a fine grained level. No top level "lock" button will be shown to the user.
AdminConsole-018 Configuration accounting and deployment P3 Large deployments and support for many clusters/instances result in the opportunity for many administrators to make changes. Tracking who makes what changes provides enterprises a means to track accountability.   Stretch goal.
AdminConsole-019 Course-grained concurrent/multiple user management support with lock and edit feature P1 Some form of locking must exist to prevent users from overwriting each other's work. This should have an on/off configuration flag. Example: Only one user logged in to the admin console at a time. This requirement is "required", while AdminConsole-020 is desired.   N/A. See AdminConsole-017.
AdminConsole-020 Fine-grained concurrent/mulitple user management support with lock and edit feature P3 Multiple users can be logged in to the admin console at the same time with fine-grained locking of resources, maximizing admin flexibility and productivity. Requirement AdminConsole-019 is required, this requirement is desired.   Yes. See AdminConsole-017.
AdminConsole-021 Ability to add OS env variables from the console in a clusterable way P3 Request from Open ESB community.   No.
AdminConsole-022 Ability to export/import resources across domains P3 Ease-of-use to copy resources across domains (community request )   No.
AdminConsole-023 Provide links to troubleshooting documentation where applicable, and wizards to facilitate troubleshoot common problems where possible P2 (community request ) 4309 Partial. Will add documentation links. combining this with -030 and address in the same issue.
AdminConsole-024 Improved admin console navigation P2 (community request - Enable "tagging" or bookmarking of admin console elements so users can navigate quickly to frequently accessed pages ).   Stretch goal.
AdminConsole-025 Provide role based access control for administration. CoreInfra-004 P1 Fine grained access control and configurable roles. 4311 Yes.
AdminConsole-026 Improve General Site navigation P3 Site Map, Topology View   Stretch goal.
AdminConsole-027 Improve Charting P2 integrate newer version of charting library, use pie chart when appropriate eg. 4310 Yes.
AdminConsole-028 Alternate Authentication Realms P2 Support other authentication besides FORM   Stretch goal.
AdminConsole-029 HADB Management P3 RFE from user   No.
AdminConsole-030 Strong ties to commmunity P3 link to trouble shooting guide, link to forum, etc. help with root cause analysis for any error 4309 Yes.
