GlassFish V3 Admin Console Build InstructionsThis document contains instructions on how to build and test V3 admin console. Please refer to Admin Console Directory Structure document for more information on the admingui module layout.
You can also just checkout the admingui module svn checkout
Copy the following jars: You are just deploying this as a regular web app, so use this URL to get to the first page. Tips for shorting the Edit/Build/Test/ cycle
cd v3/core; mvn install; cd ../war; mvn package
As admingui is a JSF application, very often we only make modification to the .jsf file. In order to avoid assemblying the jar, repackage the war file and redeployment, you should do directory deployment of the war and then after editing the .jsf file, just copy the the .jsf file over to the exploded war file and refresh the browser. 1. Builds the entire admingui modules. 2. Creates the exploded war file, the .jsf will not be packaged in a jar. 3. Do the directory deployment of the exploded war. 4. Edit your .jsf file 5. Copy over the .jsf files to the exploded war 6. Refresh your browser and see your change Repeat 4-6 as many times as you want. The ideal situation is to be able to omit step #5 as well. Still working on this and will update this doc. when it is possible. If you have edited both java file and jsf file, you will have to rebuild the core jar file and redeploy the exploded war again. You will need to change step 5 to cd v3/admingui/core; mvn install; cd v3/admingui/war; mvn -o -P dev ; asadmin redeploy v3/admingui/war/target/admingui; Moving files from V2There is an svn source repository which is copied over from the V2 workspace. We should move the files over to the V3 workspace using svn move command so that the cvs history can be preserved. 1. Checkout the svn v2 files. You only need to do this once. cd WS ; svn checkout 2. Move one file at a time or move an entire directory. svn move v2/admin-gui/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/tools/admingui/util/ 3. Commit the file in V3 svn commit v3/admingui/core/src/main/java 4. Be sure to look at the history of the same file in SJSAS91_FCS_BRANCH to ensure that any bug fix be ported over. Or to make it simpler, do a diff between the files, and then do a copy if there is any difference, We should port all the bugs anyway. Bug and Workaround: |