GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - Webtier

Key dates

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Glassfish v3.1 top level features

feature set

Scope of the Project

Feature ID Priority Description Eng Response Owner(s) Estimate (Man Days) Source of Requirement Status / Comments
WEB-1 P1 Web Container one pager Yes Rajiv Mordani      
WEB-2 P2 Support WebLogic specific deployment descriptors Yes Shing Wai / Kinman working with Hong     Support weblogic.xml see mapping at WLS DD Mapping
WEB-3 P1 Integration of HA container SPI Yes Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai   Feature parity  
WEB-4 P1 Implement -target option for existing 3.0 commands Yes Amy Roh   Feature parity  
WEB-5 P3 Web Embedded Yes Amy Roh     Formalize the APIs and finish remaining work
WEB-6 P2 Servlet spec related changes based on MR Yes Rajiv / Shing Wai      
WEB-7 P1 Security related Tomcat bug fixes porting Yes Shing Wai     Amy will forward emails to individuals
WEB-8 P2 Other Tomcat bug fixes porting Yes Shing Wai / Amy / Kinman      
WEB-9 P2 Web container bug fixes Yes Amy / Shing Wai      
WEB-10 P2 Coherence Web Support Yes Shing Wai / Rajiv      
WEB-11 P2 Rename sun-web.xml to glassfish-web.xml Yes Shing Wai      
JSP-1 P2 Bug Fixes Yes Kinman      
JSTL-1 P2 Bug Fixes Yes Kinman      
EL-1 P2 Bug Fixes Yes Kinman      

Milestone Schedule

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 Milestone 2 WEB-1 Web Container one pager No The one pager will be reviewed by asarch by milestone 2
2 Milestone 4 - ongoing see task list for details WEB-2 Support WebLogic specific deployment descriptors Yes Support weblogic.xml
3 Milestone 3 - ongoing see task list for details WEB-3 Integration of HA container SPI Yes Would like to have this in MS3
4 Milestone 3 - ongoing see task list WEB-4 Implement -target option for existing 3.0 commands Yes Feature parity - co-ordinate with clustering team; would like to have this in MS3
5 Milestone 5 WEB-5 Web Embedded Yes Formalize the APIs and finish remaining work
6 Milestone 5 WEB-6 Servlet spec related changes based on MR Yes  
7 Milestone 5 - ongoing WEB-7 Security related Tomcat bug fixes porting No  
8 Milestone 5 - ongoing WEB-8 Other Tomcat bug fixes porting No  
9 Milestone 5 - ongoing WEB-9 Web container bug fixes No  
10 Milestone 5 - ongoing WEB-10 Coherence Web Support No  
11 Milestone 1 WEB-11 Rename sun-web.xml to glassfish-web.xml Yes
11 Milestone 5 - ongoing JSP-1 Bug Fixes No  
12 Milestone 5 - ongoing JSTL-1 Bug Fixes No  
13 Milestone 5 - ongoing EL-1 Bug Fixes No  

Task List

Task Target Milestone Start End Date Owner(s) Feature ID Status / Comments
1 Milestone 2 05/05/2010 05/13/2010 Rajiv Mordani WEB-1 One pager for webtier / grizzly -
1.1 Milestone 1 05/05/2010 05/13/2010 Rajiv Mordani WEB-1 Draft for webtier team to review DONE
1.2 Milestone 1 05/05/2010 05/14/2010 Rajiv Mordani WEB-1 Draft for community DONE
1.3 Milestone 2 05/05/2010 05/26/2010 Rajiv Mordani WEB-1 ASARCH review ready DONE
2 Milestone 4 05/13/2010 08/16/2010 Shing Wai / Kinman WEB-2 weblogic.xml is the WebLogic-equivalent of sun-web.xml. See WLS DD Mapping
2.1 Milestone 1 05/13/2010 05/20/2010 Shing Wai / Kinman WEB-2 Identify the list of elements we are going to support. DONE
2.2 Milestone 3 05/24/2010 07/19/2010 Kinman WEB-2 JSP Elements DONE
2.3 Milestone 3 06/01/2010 07/19/2010 Shing Wai WEB-2 Session related elements DONE
2.4 Milestone 3 06/01/2010 07/19/2010 Shing Wai WEB-2 servlets and web app elements DONE
2.5 Milestone 4 07/01/2010 08/16/2010 Shing Wai, part of them depends on security team WEB-2 Security related dependencies for some of the elements IT 13035
2.6 Milestone 5 08/26/2010 09/13/2010 Shing Wai WEB-2 resource/-env/ejb description elements DONE
2.7 Milestone 5 08/26/2010 09/13/2010   WEB-2 web-service description element
3       Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai WEB-3 Integration of HA container SPI
3.1 Milestone 3     Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai WEB-3 Port code from v2.1 and make new module DONE
3.2 Milestone 3     Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai WEB-3 Integrate with actual BackingStore implementation DONE
3.3 Milestone 3     Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai WEB-3 Full Session Replication DONE
3.4 Milestone 3     Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai WEB-3 Serialize EJBs in HTTP Session DONE
3.5 Milestone 4     Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai WEB-3 Modified attribute in HTTP Session DONE
3.6 Milestone 4     Rajiv Mordani / Shing Wai WEB-3 Integrate with LB
3.7 Milestone 5     Shing Wai / Rajiv Mordani WEB-3 SSO support DONE
4 Milestone 3 05/05/2010 8/16/2010 Amy Roh WEB-4 Implement --target option for existing 3.0 commands – create-threadpool, delete-threadpool, list-threadpools, create-ssl, delete-ssl, create-virtual-server, delete-virtual-server, list-virtual-servers, create-http, delete-http, create-http-listener, delete-http-listener, list-http-listeners, create-protocol, delete-protocol, list-protocols, create-protocol-filter, delete-protocol-filter, create-protocol-finder, delete-protocol-finder, create-transport, delete-transport, list-transports, create-network-listener, delete-network-listener, list-network-listeners DONE
4.1 Milestone 1 05/05/2010 05/24/2010 Amy Roh WEB-4 Identify the list of --target option commands that need to be supported - DONE
4.2 Milestone 2 05/24/2010 06/04/2010 Amy Roh WEB-4 Implement --target option for create-virtual-server, delete-virtual-server, list-virtual-servers DONE
4.3 Milestone 2 06/07/2010 06/21/2010 Amy Roh WEB-4 Implement --target option for create-http, delete-http, create-http-listener, delete-http-listener, list-http-listeners, create-protocol, delete-protocol, list-protocols, create-protocol-filter, delete-protocol-filter, create-protocol-finder, delete-protocol-finder, create-transport, delete-transport, list-transports, create-network-listener, delete-network-listener, list-network-listeners create-protocol-filter, delete-protocol-filter, create-protocol-finder, delete-protocol-finder, create-transport, delete-transport, list-transports DONE
4.4 Milestone 3 06/21/2010 06/31/2010 Amy Roh WEB-4 Implement --target option for create-threadpool, delete-threadpool, list-threadpools DONE
4.5 Milestone 3 07/07/2010 07/19/2010 Amy Roh WEB-4 Implement --target option for create-ssl, delete-ssl DONE
5 Milestone 5 05/05/2010 8/16/2010 Amy Roh WEB-5 Embedded - Formalize the APIs Finish the remaining work
5.1 Milestone 1 05/05/2010 5/24/2010 Amy Roh WEB-5 Modify web dev tests to run in embedded mode (manually) - DONE
5.2 Milestone 2 05/25/2010 6/21/2010 Amy Roh WEB-5 Automate web dev tests, fix most issues in running tests -DONE
5.3 Milestone 5 06/22/2010 8/16/2010 Amy Roh WEB-5 Provide Embedded use cases and fix remaining issues
6 Milestone 5     Rajiv / Shing Wai WEB-6 Servlet spec related changes based on MR
6.1 Milestone 5     Rajiv WEB-6 Have MR written up and handed off to JCP to start the MR
6.2 Milestone 5     Shing Wai WEB-6 Implementation changes
7 Milestone 5 07/01/2010 09/13/2010 Shing Wai WEB-7 Security related Tomcat bug fixes porting
8 Milestone 5 06/01/2010 8/16/2010 Shing Wai / Amy / Kinman WEB-8 Other Tomcat bug fixes porting
9 Milestone 5 06/01/2010 8/16/2010 Shing Wai / Amy / Kinman WEB-9 Web container bug fixes
10 Milestone 5 05/31/2010 09/13/2010 Shing Wai / Rajiv WEB-10 Coherence Web Support
11 Milestone 1 05/10/2010 5/21/2010 Shing Wai WEB-11 Rename sun-web.xml to glassfish-web.xml DONE
12 Milestone 5 05/05/2010 09/13/2010 Kinman JSP-1 Bug fixes
13 Milestone 5 05/05/2010 09/13/2010 Kinman EL-1 Bug fixes
14 Milestone 5 05/05/2010 09/13/2010 Kinman JSTL-1 Bug fixes

Grizzly tasks

JSF tasks

One pager

One pager

Dev Tests


  • Link to Test Plans


  • Link to Documentation

References / Links

  • Coming soon

Email Alias