Variable evaluation order The variables are evaluated in the following order:
In JSPWiki 2.2, the variable system has been enhanced somewhat. You can use the "SET" -directive on any of your own pages to set a variable that exists only in the page. For example: [{SET foo='bar'}] creates you a variable called "foo", which has the value of "bar". You can access this value anywhere on your page by using the shorthand "[{$foo}]". JSPWiki also defines all kinds of other variables, and tags and plugins can also add their own variables. For example, see the Counter plugin. The following variable are preset by applicationnameThis is the name of this Wiki. It has been set by the administrator in "". This Wiki is called (_applicationname). baseurlThe base URL address for this wiki. encodingDescribes the character encoding used in this Wiki. An encoding of "UTF-8" means that the Wiki accepts any character, including Chinese, Japanese, etc. Encoding "ISO-8859-1" means that only western languages are supported. This wiki uses the (_encoding) encoding. inlinedimagesLets you know which image types are being inlined. interwikilinksWrites HTML code for supported InterWiki links. jspwikiversionInserts the version number of the JSPWiki engine. For example, this version is (_jspwikiversion). loginstatusShows how the current user has logged in. For example, you are (_loginstatus). uptimeInserts the amount of time since this Wiki has been last restarted. This wiki has been up for (_uptime). pagenameInserts the current page name. Example: This page is called (_pagename). pageproviderThe current PageProvider. pageproviderdescriptionA verbose, HTML description about the currently used page provider. requestcontextThe current RequestContext. For example, this is the (_requestcontext) context. totalpagesThe total number of pages available in this Wiki. usernameInserts the current user name: For example, you are now logged in as (_username). Inserting JSPWiki propertiesYou can also access some of the JSPWiki properties (that have been defined by the site maintainer) by using their property names directly. See SystemInfo for an example. |