There are several ways you can contribute to the betterment of the project.

This is historical information. The Grizzly community and all Grizzly contributions are accepted by Eclipse Grizzly. Java EE Grizzly (or GlassFish Grizzly) is not accepting contributions at this time. Thank you for your interest.

bug Report Issues

Issue reporting is central to OSS projects. If the issue isn’t reported, we can’t fix it. Please report any bugs, feature, and/or improvement requests on the Grizzly GitHub Issues tracker.

[git] Submit Patches

Have a fix or a feature you'd like to share? Submit a Pull Request!

pen Documentation

Good documentation is an important aspect of any software project. We've taken several strides in improving our documentation, but there's always room for improvement. If you see anything missing or an area that could be improved, let us know or submit a patch.

blog Write a Blog

Are you using Grizzly? We'd love to hear how you're using it in your projects. Write a blog and drop us a note.

reviews Code Review

More eyes on the code means better quality. Review our code for style issues, potential issues, or glaring bugs. Anything helps!

support Support the Community

Have insight on an issue another is having? Speak up! Join our mailing lists or follow questions tagged with grizzly on StackOverflow.

Source Code Submissions

We welcome your contributions and look forward to collaborating with you. We can only accept source code repository submissions from users who have signed and returned the Oracle Contributor Agreement. You will find details and the agreement to sign at this OTN web page: Oracle Contributor Agreement.

Other Contrbutions

For all project Submissions other than source code repository contributions, the following also applies: Oracle does not claim ownership of Your Submissions. However, in order to fulfill the purposes of this project, You must give Oracle and all Users the right to post, access, discuss, use, publish, disseminate, and refine Your Submissions.

In legalese: You hereby grant to Oracle and all Users a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, and fully sub-licensable right and license, under Your intellectual property rights, to reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, and use Your Submissions (in whole or part) and to incorporate or implement them in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed, all subject to the obligation to retain any copyright notices included in Your Submissions. All Users, Oracle, and their sublicensees are responsible for any modifications they make to the Submissions of others.

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