Package javax.faces.model

Standard model data beans for JavaServer Faces.


Interface Summary
DataModelListener DataModelListener represents an event listener that wishes to be notified of DataModelEvents occurring on a particular DataModel instance.

Class Summary
ArrayDataModel<E> ArrayDataModel is a convenience implementation of DataModel that wraps an array of Java objects.
DataModel<E> DataModel is an abstraction around arbitrary data binding technologies that can be used to adapt a variety of data sources for use by JavaServer Faces components that support per-row processing for their child components (such as UIData.
DataModelEvent DataModelEvent represents an event of interest to registered listeners that occurred on the specified DataModel.
ListDataModel<E> ListDataModel is a convenience implementation of DataModel that wraps an List of Java objects.
ResultDataModel ResultDataModel is a convenience implementation of DataModel that wraps a JSTL Result object, typically representing the results of executing an SQL query via JSTL tags.
ResultSetDataModel ResultSetDataModel is a convenience implementation of DataModel that wraps a ResultSet of Java objects.
ScalarDataModel<E> ScalarDataModel is a convenience implementation of DataModel that wraps an individual Java object.
SelectItem SelectItem represents a single item in the list of supported items associated with a UISelectMany or UISelectOne component.
SelectItemGroup SelectItemGroup is a subclass of SelectItem that identifies a set of options that will be made available as a subordinate "submenu" or "options list", depending upon the requirements of the UISelectMany or UISelectOne renderer that is actually used.

Package javax.faces.model Description

Standard model data beans for JavaServer Faces.

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