Class ValidatorHandler

  extended by javax.faces.view.facelets.TagHandler
      extended by javax.faces.view.facelets.MetaTagHandler
          extended by javax.faces.view.facelets.DelegatingMetaTagHandler
              extended by javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler
                  extended by javax.faces.view.facelets.ValidatorHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:
AttachedObjectHandler, EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler, FaceletHandler, ValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler

public class ValidatorHandler
extends FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler
implements EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler

Handles setting a Validator instance on an EditableValueHolder parent. Will wire all attributes set to the Validator instance created/fetched. Uses the "binding" attribute for grabbing instances to apply attributes to.

Will only set/create Validator is the passed UIComponent's parent is null, signifying that it wasn't restored from an existing tree.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.view.facelets.DelegatingMetaTagHandler
Fields inherited from class javax.faces.view.facelets.TagHandler
nextHandler, tag, tagId
Constructor Summary
ValidatorHandler(ValidatorConfig config)

Construct this instance around the configuration information in argument config

Method Summary
protected  TagHandlerDelegate getTagHandlerDelegate()

Return the implementation specific delegate instance that provides the bulk of the work for this handler instance.

 ValidatorConfig getValidatorConfig()

Return the TagConfig subclass used to configure this handler instance.

 String getValidatorId(FaceletContext ctx)
          Retrieve the id of the validator that is to be created and added to the parent EditableValueHolder.
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler
applyAttachedObject, getAttachedObjectHandlerHelper, getFor
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.view.facelets.DelegatingMetaTagHandler
apply, applyNextHandler, createMetaRuleset, getBinding, getTag, getTagAttribute, getTagId, isDisabled, setAttributes
Methods inherited from class javax.faces.view.facelets.TagHandler
getAttribute, getRequiredAttribute, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.faces.view.AttachedObjectHandler
applyAttachedObject, getFor

Constructor Detail


public ValidatorHandler(ValidatorConfig config)

Construct this instance around the configuration information in argument config

config - the TagConfig subclass for this kind of attached object.
Method Detail


protected TagHandlerDelegate getTagHandlerDelegate()

Return the implementation specific delegate instance that provides the bulk of the work for this handler instance.

Specified by:
getTagHandlerDelegate in class DelegatingMetaTagHandler


public String getValidatorId(FaceletContext ctx)

Retrieve the id of the validator that is to be created and added to the parent EditableValueHolder. All subclasses should override this method because it is important for Facelets to have a unique way of identifying the validators that are added to this EditableValueHolder and allows exclusions to work properly. An exclusion is a validator declaration that has the attribute "disabled" which resolves to false, instructing Facelets not to register a default validator with the same id.


public ValidatorConfig getValidatorConfig()

Return the TagConfig subclass used to configure this handler instance.

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