Package javax.faces.webapp

Classes required for integration of JavaServer Faces into web applications, including a standard servlet, base classes for JSP custom component tags, and concrete tag implementations for core tags.


Class Summary
AttributeTag Deprecated. The Faces implementation must now provide the implementation for this class.
ConverterELTag ConverterELTag is a base class for all JSP custom actions that create and register a Converter instance on the ValueHolder associated with our most immediate surrounding instance of a tag whose implementation class is a subclass of UIComponentClassicTagBase.
ConverterTag Deprecated. This has been partially replaced by ConverterELTag.
FacesServlet FacesServlet is a servlet that manages the request processing lifecycle for web applications that are utilizing JavaServer Faces to construct the user interface.
FacetTag FacetTag is the JSP mechanism for denoting a UIComponent is to be added as a facet to the component associated with its parent.

This ExceptionHandlerFactory instance produces JSF 1.2 compatible ExceptionHandler instances.

UIComponentBodyTag Deprecated. All component tags now implement BodyTag.
UIComponentClassicTagBase UIComponentTagBase is the base class for all JSP tags that use the "classic" JSP tag interface that correspond to a UIComponent instance in the view.
UIComponentELTag UIComponentELTag specializes its superclass to allow for properties that take their values from EL API expressions.
UIComponentTag Deprecated. Use of this class has been replaced with UIComponentELTag, which extends UIComponentClassicTagBase to add properties that use the EL API introduced as part of JSP 2.1.
UIComponentTagBase UIComponentTagBase is the base class for all JSP tags that correspond to a UIComponent instance in the view.
ValidatorELTag ValidatorELTag is a base class for all JSP custom actions that create and register a Validator instance on the EditableValueHolder associated with our most immediate surrounding instance of a tag whose implementation class is a subclass of UIComponentTag.
ValidatorTag Deprecated. This has been partially replaced by ValidatorELTag.

Package javax.faces.webapp Description

Classes required for integration of JavaServer Faces into web applications, including a standard servlet, base classes for JSP custom component tags, and concrete tag implementations for core tags.

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