Package javax.faces.view

Classes for defining a View Declaration Language (VDL) for authoring JavaServer Faces user interfaces.


Interface Summary

A VDL handler that exposes ActionListener to a page author.


A marker interface for VDL tags that represent <composite:actionSource/> for use by the composite component page author.


The abstract base interface for a handler representing an attached object in a VDL page.


Within the declaration of a composite component, an AttachedObjectTarget allows the composite component author to expose the semantics of an inner component to the page author without exposing the rendering or implementation details of the inner component.


Represent an attached object that is a BehaviorHolder in a VDL page.


Represent a BehaviorHolder attached object target in a VDL page.


A VDL handler that exposes Validator or ValueChangeListener to a page author.


A marker interface for VDL tags that represent <composite:editableValueHolder/> for use by the composite component page author.


A VDL handler that exposes Converter to a page author.


A marker interface for VDL tags that represent <composite:valueHolder/> for use by the composite component page author.


Class Summary

An object that represents the Location of a tag or attribute of a tag in a View Declaration Language file.


Encapsulate the saving and restoring of the view to enable the VDL to take over the responsibility for handling this feature.


The contract that a view declaration language must implement to interact with the JSF runtime.


ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed) and returns a new ViewDeclarationLanguage instance based on the VDL found in a specific view.


ViewMetadata is reponsible for extracting and providing view parameter metadata from VDL views.


Package javax.faces.view Description

Classes for defining a View Declaration Language (VDL) for authoring JavaServer Faces user interfaces. The root class in this package is ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory. Interfaces and classes required for the Facelets for JSF 2 implementation are also defined in package javax.faces.view.facelets.

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