Class ApplicationConfigurationPopulator

  extended by javax.faces.application.ApplicationConfigurationPopulator

public abstract class ApplicationConfigurationPopulator
extends Object

This class defines a java.util.ServiceLoader service which enables programmatic configuration of the JSF runtime using the existing Application Configuration Resources schema. See the section "Application Startup Behavior" in the specification prose document for the specification on when and how implementations of this service are used.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  void populateApplicationConfiguration(Document toPopulate)

Service providers that implement this service must be called by the JSF runtime exactly once for each implementation, at startup, before any requests have been serviced.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ApplicationConfigurationPopulator()
Method Detail


public abstract void populateApplicationConfiguration(Document toPopulate)

Service providers that implement this service must be called by the JSF runtime exactly once for each implementation, at startup, before any requests have been serviced. Before calling the populateApplicationConfiguration(org.w3c.dom.Document) method, the runtime must ensure that the Document argument is empty aside from being pre-configured to be in the proper namespace for an Application Configuration Resources file: Implementations of this service must ensure that any changes made to the argument Document conform to that schema as defined in the specification. The JSF runtime is not required to validate the Document after control returns from the service implementation, though it may do so.

Ordering of Artifacts

If the document is made to contain an <ordering> element, as specified in the section Ordering of Artifacts in the specification prose document, the document will be prioritized accordingly. Otherwise, the runtime must place the document in the list of other Application Configuration Resources documents at the "lowest" priority, meaning any conflicts that may arise between the argument document and any other Application Configuration Resources are resolved in favor of the other document.

toPopulate - The Document to populate with configuration.

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