Interface ValueHolder

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public interface ValueHolder

ValueHolder is an interface that may be implemented by any concrete UIComponent that wishes to support a local value, as well as access data in the model tier via a value expression, and support conversion between String and the model tier data's native data type.

Method Summary
 Converter getConverter()
          Return the Converter (if any) that is registered for this UIComponent.
 Object getLocalValue()
          Return the local value of this UIComponent (if any), without evaluating any associated ValueExpression.
 Object getValue()
          Gets the value of this UIComponent.
 void setConverter(Converter converter)
          Set the Converter (if any) that is registered for this UIComponent.
 void setValue(Object value)
          Set the value of this UIComponent (if any).

Method Detail


Object getLocalValue()

Return the local value of this UIComponent (if any), without evaluating any associated ValueExpression.


Object getValue()

Gets the value of this UIComponent. If validation failed, as indicated by FacesContext.isValidationFailed() returning true, always return the local value. Otherwise, first, consult the local value property of this component. If non-null return it. If null, see if we have a ValueExpression for the value property. If so, return the result of evaluating the property, otherwise return null. Note that because the specification for UIComponent.setValueBinding(java.lang.String, javax.faces.el.ValueBinding) requires a call through to UIComponent.setValueExpression(java.lang.String, javax.el.ValueExpression), legacy tags will continue to work.


void setValue(Object value)

Set the value of this UIComponent (if any).

value - The new local value


Converter getConverter()

Return the Converter (if any) that is registered for this UIComponent.


void setConverter(Converter converter)

Set the Converter (if any) that is registered for this UIComponent.

converter - New Converter (or null)

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