Class ActionListenerWrapper

  extended by javax.faces.event.ActionListenerWrapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, ActionListener, FacesListener, FacesWrapper<ActionListener>

public abstract class ActionListenerWrapper
extends Object
implements ActionListener, FacesWrapper<ActionListener>

Provides a simple implementation of ActionListener that can be subclassed by developers wishing to provide specialized behavior to an existing ActionListener instance. The default implementation of all methods is to call through to the wrapped ActionListener.

Usage: extend this class and override getWrapped() to return the instance we are wrapping.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface javax.faces.event.ActionListener
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  ActionListener getWrapped()

A class that implements this interface uses this method to return an instance of the class being wrapped.

 void processAction(ActionEvent event)
          Invoked when the action described by the specified ActionEvent occurs.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ActionListenerWrapper()
Method Detail


public void processAction(ActionEvent event)
                   throws AbortProcessingException
Description copied from interface: ActionListener

Invoked when the action described by the specified ActionEvent occurs.

Specified by:
processAction in interface ActionListener
event - The ActionEvent that has occurred
AbortProcessingException - Signal the JavaServer Faces implementation that no further processing on the current event should be performed


public abstract ActionListener getWrapped()
Description copied from interface: FacesWrapper

A class that implements this interface uses this method to return an instance of the class being wrapped.

Specified by:
getWrapped in interface FacesWrapper<ActionListener>

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