Interface AttachedObjectHandler

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActionSource2AttachedObjectHandler, BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler, EditableValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler, ValueHolderAttachedObjectHandler
All Known Implementing Classes:
BehaviorHandler, ConverterHandler, FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler, ValidatorHandler

public interface AttachedObjectHandler

The abstract base interface for a handler representing an attached object in a VDL page. Subinterfaces are provided for the common attached objects that expose Behavior, Converters, Validators, ValueChangeListeners, and ActionListeners for use by page authors.


Method Summary
 void applyAttachedObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent parent)

Take the argument parent and apply this attached object to it.

 String getFor()

Return the value of the "for" attribute specified by the page author on the tag for this AttachedObjectHandler.


Method Detail


void applyAttachedObject(FacesContext context,
                         UIComponent parent)

Take the argument parent and apply this attached object to it. The action taken varies with class that implements one of the subinterfaces of this interface.

context - The FacesContext for this request
parent - The UIComponent to which this particular attached object must be applied.


String getFor()

Return the value of the "for" attribute specified by the page author on the tag for this AttachedObjectHandler.

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