Class UIComponentTagBase

  extended by javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTagBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class UIComponentTagBase
extends Object
implements javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag

UIComponentTagBase is the base class for all JSP tags that correspond to a UIComponent instance in the view. This base class allows a single view to be described in a JSP page consisting of both UIComponentELTag and UIComponentTag instances.

Field Summary
protected static Logger log
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  void addChild(UIComponent child)
          Add the component identifier of the specified UIComponent to the list of component identifiers created or located by nested UIComponentTags processing this request.
protected abstract  void addFacet(String name)
          Add the facet name of the specified facet to the list of facet names created or located by nested UIComponentTags processing this request.
abstract  UIComponent getComponentInstance()
          Return the UIComponent instance that is associated with this tag instance.
abstract  String getComponentType()
          Return the component type for the component that is or will be bound to this tag.
abstract  boolean getCreated()
          Return true if we dynamically created a new component instance during execution of this tag.
protected  javax.el.ELContext getELContext()
          Return the ELContext for the FacesContext for this request.
protected abstract  FacesContext getFacesContext()
          Return the FacesContext instance for the current request.
protected abstract  int getIndexOfNextChildTag()
          Return the index of the next child to be added as a child of this tag.
abstract  String getRendererType()
          Return the rendererType property that selects the Renderer to be used for encoding this component, or null to ask the component to render itself directly.
abstract  void setId(String id)
          Set the component identifier for the component corresponding to this tag instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final Logger log
Constructor Detail


public UIComponentTagBase()
Method Detail


protected abstract FacesContext getFacesContext()

Return the FacesContext instance for the current request. This value will be non-null only from the beginning of doStartTag() through the end of doEndTag() for each tag instance.


protected javax.el.ELContext getELContext()

Return the ELContext for the FacesContext for this request.

This is a convenience for getFacesContext().getELContext().


protected abstract void addChild(UIComponent child)

Add the component identifier of the specified UIComponent to the list of component identifiers created or located by nested UIComponentTags processing this request.

child - New child whose identifier should be added


protected abstract void addFacet(String name)

Add the facet name of the specified facet to the list of facet names created or located by nested UIComponentTags processing this request.

name - Facet name to be added


public abstract void setId(String id)

Set the component identifier for the component corresponding to this tag instance. If the argument begins with UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX throw an IllegalArgumentException

id - The new component identifier. This may not start with UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX.
IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is non-null and starts with UIViewRoot.UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX.


public abstract String getComponentType()

Return the component type for the component that is or will be bound to this tag. This value can be passed to Application.createComponent(java.lang.String) to create the UIComponent instance for this tag. Subclasses must override this method to return the appropriate value.


public abstract String getRendererType()

Return the rendererType property that selects the Renderer to be used for encoding this component, or null to ask the component to render itself directly. Subclasses must override this method to return the appropriate value.


public abstract UIComponent getComponentInstance()

Return the UIComponent instance that is associated with this tag instance. This method is designed to be used by tags nested within this tag, and only returns useful results between the execution of doStartTag() and doEndTag() on this tag instance.


public abstract boolean getCreated()

Return true if we dynamically created a new component instance during execution of this tag. This method is designed to be used by tags nested within this tag, and only returns useful results between the execution of doStartTag() and doEndTag() on this tag instance.


protected abstract int getIndexOfNextChildTag()

Return the index of the next child to be added as a child of this tag. The default implementation maintains a list of created components and returns the size of the list.

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