Mojarra 2.0
JSF Community
ID | Summary |
1384 | bad javadoc for UIComponent.setParent |
1419 | Facelets with PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING=false memory leak |
1420 | Memory leak with full state saving + UIViewRoot + f:event or f:phaseListener |
1382 | PartialViewContextImpl does not respect being wrapped |
1404 | view component of jsf core library misses some attributes in .taglib.xml and tld files |
1405 | Web configuration resource monitoring needs to deal with the case when a configuration resource is removed during runtime |
1409 | Documentation for f:event has name attribute specified instead of type |
1383 | PostAddToView event fired at wrong time |
1385 | f:ajax leads to NPE in some cases |
1388 | Updating an element containing XML entities using ajax throws exception in safari and chrome |
1395 | Examine jsf.js for IE6 Memory leaks |
1396 | f:viewParam tag is missing name attribute in PDL docs |
1415 | flash.keep fails |
1416 | All facelets library desriptors in jsf-ri/conf/share/ have a typo in the schema location |
1377 | JSF 2 Ajax "async" features is broken and/or incompatible with same Dynafaces feature |
1380 | Demo poms may require JSTL for Tomcat |