Mojarra 2.0.3 Release Notes
Known Issues
Specification Version: 2.0
Implementation Version: 2.0.3
Known issues with the 2.0.3 release
Please see this list of issues
that will be reviewed for the next patch release.
Differences between the implementation and the specification
The following JSF 2.0 MR items represent bugs that will be resolved in
the next revision of the JSF specification series, however, they were
deemed important enough to include in the 2.0.0 implementation.
See the official changelog
for the complete list of items targeted for the next revision of the specification.
The renderkit documentation for the new OutcomeTarget renderers is incorrect.
The correct documentation can be found here.
The javadocs for UIViewRoot.setBeforePhaseLister() in 2.0 is incorrect. Please refer to the 1.2
version of the documentation for the correct behavior.
The documentation for h:outputStylesheet current states that the renderer
will always render the media attribute with a value of 'screen'. The implementation
will not render any media attribute. For the next release, a media attribute
will be exposed to give page authors control of this value.
The documentation for ui:insert does not include the 'name' attribute.
This attribute works as per Facelets 1.1.x.
The documentation for f:valueChangeListener does not include a reference
to the for attribute necessary to attach ValueChangeListeners to composite
components. Even though it's not documented, the attribute is supported.
The documentation for composite:attribute incorrectly lists the 'targets' attribute
as required.
Section of the JSF 2.0 specification states that versioning of resources
included on the classpath must be supported. Due to differences in how application
servers expose classpath URLs, this feature could not be portably implemented. As
such, these feature is no longer supported. Resource versioning for resources included
in /resource of the application's docroot, will, however, continue to work as specified.
Section states that the 'cc' implicit object returns the result of
UIComponent.getCurrentCompositeComponent(). The implementation does not do this
as it causes problems when nesting composite components. Instead, the composite component
will resolve to the composite component relative to the composite component markup page in
which the expression appears.
The specification was mistakenly silent on a feature that required the evaluation of
EL expressions within css resources served by the ResourceHandler.
The specification does not require that <script> tags be evaluated when returned as part of a Ajax update response. This was an oversight - Mojarra will evaluate these scripts as part of the update, and the specification will add this in the MR.