GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 2/7/08 Main meetings page Attendees Paul, Alan, Dixie, Scott, Ian, June, Hanan, Gail Agenda
- Review of AIs - Paul:
- Find out from John Clingan if it's OK to publish docs on for TP2.
- Set up wiki pages for individual doc plans and link to them from the documentation plan.
- See if a list of module owners exists and if not ask for one.
- Update the list of GlassFish v3 user task analyses.
- Editorial update - Dixie
- Review of process for preparing to facilitate a task brainstorming session - Paul
- Review of documentation plan template - Paul
- Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
- Open mic - All
- Next meeting - All
Meeting Notes 1. Review of AIs - Paul
- Find out from John Clingan if it's OK to publish docs on for TP2. DONE: Yes, it is.
- Set up wiki pages for individual doc plans and link to them from the documentation plan. IN PROGRESS: Paul has created a template, which we will discuss in item 4 of the agenda.
- See if a list of module owners exists and if not ask for one. IN PROGRESS: Paul has sent mail to Jerome; waiting to hear back.
- Update the list of GlassFish v3 user task analyses. DONE: Paul updated the list based on what was discussed at the 1/31 meeting.
2. Editorial update - Dixie
- Dixie is working on a stylesheet in conjunction with the editorial team (Julie Bettis)
- This is very much a work in progress; if you have anything to add please do! AI: June to add information about variables.
3. Review of process for preparing to facilitate a task brainstorming session - Paul
- Read this blog post, which describes the process of preparing for a session.
- No other comments or discussion about this.
4. Review of documentation plan template - Paul
- Went through the proposed doc plan template section by section:
- Related Information:* Provide links to feature descriptions, including a link to the previous version of the doc if it's an existing doc.
- People and Roles:* Who's going to be working on the doc and in what capacity; use a login if possible; don't worry about that if you don't know what it is, just leave it blank.
- Audience:* More info about audience can be found in the Audience Analysis section of the overall doc set plan.
- Purpose and Description:* Provide whatever details you feel necessary.
- Overall Content Outlines:* Provide the content outline of the doc; base your outline on the relevant task analysis.
- New Material and Changes Required for This Release:* Quite a bit of discussion about this; may need to rework this section to allow for flexibility based on individual working styles and yet also meet the need for consistency, requirements from stakeholders, etc. AI: Paul will revise this section and send the changes out for review.
- There's room for change; if we start to use the template and it's just not working for some reason, let Paul know / we can talk about it as a group.
5. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
- Paul updated the User Task Analyses page to reflect what we discussed at last week's meeting.
- The first task analysis session will be JRuby on 2/14; the level of enthusiasm from SMEs has been really encouraging.
- If you're signed up as a facilitator, now is the time to prepare for your session:
- Read whatever you can find.
- As soon as you're ready to describe what you're doing and you know who the SMEs are, connect with them and set the sessions up.
- All user task analyses for TP2 need to be done by February 29th.* (It was acknolwedged that we need to have specs and the names of module owners ASAP in order to get these meetings done this month.)
6. Open mic - All
- GF v3 represents a paradigm shift, moving to a modular architecture so users can get as much or as little of the GlassFish server as they need (v3 signals an end to the all-or-nothing architecture; users can take just those pieces that they want and need).
- Regarding docs for TP2, how will that work? Just hide everything in the docs that isn't part of TP2? Not sure; need to think about the details of how we're going to do this; there are a lot of implications. AI: Paul will put some thought to this.
- Some discussion about what a Recorder would do during a session, i.e., possibly post comments on a wiki page in real-time, etc.
7. Next meeting - All
- The next meeting will be Thurs 2/14 4-5 pm PST.* NOTE: The time could be changed for this meeting only. An announcement will be sent and the main meetings page updated once the time has been finalized.
- Unless announced otherwise, the regular meeting time for GlassFish v3 doc meetings will be Thurs 4-5 pm PST.