GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 04/09/09

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Devika, Mike, Dixie, Paul, Ian, Kim, Eric, June, Gail


  1. Review of AIs
  2. Progress on writing assignments by feature
  3. Bug status
  4. Open mic
  5. Next meeting

Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs

    • Paul:* Cross-check the v3 list of functional specifications against the list of features in the v2 documentation.
      In progress. Paul is compiling a list of v2 features whose status with respect to v3 is uncertain.
    • All by April 9:* Send Paul the list of features you have questions about for EA (in or out?) and also v3 Final (in or out?) and he will follow up with Abhijit. Or update the list of v2 features whose status with respect to v3 is uncertain.
      In progress.
    • Paul:* Verify EOL process for features that are marked as "Never".
      In progress. Paul will follow up with Abhijit at the same time he asks about the previous AI.
    • June and Devika:* Discuss the possibility of combining all documentation about scripting into a single document and send details to Paul.
      In progress. Conducted a successful task analysis. Agreed to put content in one document. Thinking about title for the doc. Will send candidates to the doc alias and Julie.
    • Ian:* Provide information about ant to June for Developers Guide. Complete.
    • Paul:* Double check with Java ES doc lead if we're still bound by the rules that resulted in the title Administration Reference in the first place.
      Complete. We are no longer bound by these rules. New AI - June and Dixie: Decide on the new book title (in consultation with Julie), then let Paul know and he'll change the registration in PubsTool. Leading candidate is Domain File Format Reference.

Other points of discussion:

  • Discussed properties and where they are/should be doc'd.
  • Related AIs:
      • June:* Investigate which properties in the Admin Reference should be doc'd in the man pages/online help and create a wiki page to record that info. Complete.
      • Kim:* Look at the online help to see what properties are already doc'd there.
      • Paul:* Look at the man pages to see what properties are already doc'd there.

2. Progress on writing assignments by feature

  • Went through the status page feature by feature.
  • Lots of discussion, status, and updates. Best to listen to the recording for complete details:
    • Dial 877.471.6587 or 402.970.2667
    • Enter 1063899434071 as the program ID (Available until 05/09/09 at 11:59 PM CT)
    • Press 7 to rewind 30 seconds, 8 to pause, and 9 to fast forward 30 seconds

Other points of discussion:

  • Goal is to have feature doc plans done by 4/17. If you're behind, one approach is to identify and record what's coming in for EA for all of your features.
  • Be sure to update the status page as new information becomes available. Paul is sharing this with other teams. Good way to let stakeholders know where things stand and to make issues visible to a wider audience.
  • There won't be parity between the Admin GUI and CLI for EA but there will be for Final.
  • General feeling is that we're more or less keeping up with engineering.

3. Bug status

  • We'll go through the list bug-by-bug at next week's meeting (4/16). Approaching soft code freeze 4/20.

4. Open mic

  • Discussed removing install instructions from Quick Start Guide. Consensus is to include the basic download/install information.
  • Discussed Message Queue and what's going to be delivered for GF v3. Mike to look at existing OpenMQ Integration spec. Gail and Mike to discuss.
  • The Java EE 6 Samples page now includes a column for what's going to be ready for EA (MS2).
  • Discussed quality expectations for EA docs. Given the limited time, we should shoot for one unit review of the additions or changes. If there's time for more, great. There won't be time for a full-blown review.

5. Next meeting
Thursday 04/16/09 2-3 PM PDT

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