GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 6/19/08

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June, Paul, Scott, David, Dixie, Jennifer, Alan, Hanan, Gail


  1. Review of AIs - Paul
  2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
  3. Status of deliverables
  4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set
  5. Open mic - All
  6. Next meeting - All

Meeting Notes

1. Review of AIs - Paul

    • June and others:* Contribute to the SolBook rules page. No Progress.
  • Paul: Look at list of new features and propagate into the Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses table. No Progress. May see if someone else can do this.
  • Book owners: Look through your books, identify task brainstorming sessions that would affect your books, send list to Paul. In Progress. Dixie sent list to Paul. June added items to the Task Analyses page.
    • All:* Add items to the GlassFish v3 documentation quality assurance page. In Progress.
    • All:* If you discover other issues with existing docs, send mail to Paul (with a URL if possible), so he can start keeping a running list of issues and areas for improvement. In Progress. June mentioned a suggestion from an engineer (link to online help and man pages for settings). AI - June: Ask the engineer to file an RFE so we can track the issue.

2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses - Paul
Nothing beyond what was discussed in AIs.

3. Status of deliverables:

    • Paul, Scott, Gail:* Finishing up deliverables for TP2 Respin - installation instructions (Paul), Quick Start Guide (Scott), download page and posting of all three pages on (Gail). Release is 6/20.
    • Chinmayee and Dixie:* Chinmayee is going to be working on the Admin Guide with Dixie, taking over the Monitoring chapter.
    • Jennifer:* Need to discuss who's going to work on scripting content (JRuby, jMaki, Comet, Groovy on Grails).

4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set (in online versus PDF versions of the doc)

  • If you have items, add them to the page.
  • As you work on docs, use items in the list as a kind of checklist for the work that you're doing.
  • QA resources will be assigned to the Java EE Tutorial.

5. Open mic - All

  • Welcome David, a member of the GlassFish community who's interested in GlassFish docs
  • Discussed ideas for student projects

6. Next meeting - All
Thursday 6/26 2-3 PM PDT

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