GlassFish v3 Documentation Planning Minutes - 6/26/08 Main meetings page Attendees Jennifer, Dixie, Ian, Gail, Scott, Alan \ 1. Review of AIs
- June and others:* Contribute to the SolBook rules page. No Progress
- Paul: Look at list of new Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses table. No Progress
- Book owners: Look through your books, identify task brainstorming sessions that would affect your books, send list to Paul. No Progress
- All:* Add items to the GlassFish v3 documentation quality assurance page. No Progress
- All:* If you discover other issues with existing docs, send mail to Paul (with a URL if possible), so he can start keeping a running list of issues and areas for improvement. No Progress
- June:* Ask engineer to file an RFE regarding request that we link to online help and man pages for settings. No Update
These AIs have had a status of No Progress for too long. Lots of discussion about this:
- Why no progress? We must take action to get these lingering AIs done and off the list!
- Are we blocked by anything? Do we really need the one pagers (functional specs) to get started on some of these? Is the GF v3 Prelude feature list complete? AI - Alan: Ask Abhijit if the Prelude feature list is complete. Done: Feature list is complete with the exception of the embedded API; no reason we can't proceed with task analysis meetings for Prelude.
2. Status of Glass Fish v3 User Task Analyses Covered under discussion of AIs. \ 3. Status of deliverables
- Olga working with Hanan on online help.
- TP2 refresh docs went out 6/20 (revised download page, installation instructions, Quick Start Guide).
4. Quality improvement measures for the v3 doc set (in online versus PDF versions of the doc) Working to determine which aspects of the tutorial we should ask the QA team to focus on. \ 5. Open mic - All Add a standing agenda item for open doc bugs. AI - Gail: Add link to open doc bugs in Issue Tracker. AI - Alan: Find out if just Issue Tracker (and not Bugster also) is being used for GF v3. Done: We're using just Issue Tracker, and not Bugster, for GF v3. \ 6. Next meeting - All Thursday 7/10 2-3 PM PDT *** NO MEETING 7/03 *** \ Main meetings page